♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥


(Established in 2008)

Formerly known as Shopper's Paradise, then just Paradise...
Welcome to the NEW Paradise Friends! Just a place to share your creations, your successes, your troubles, your questions and most likely find answers.

We've been around for awhile, we're a personable group. We love past and present, old and new members!!! Come on in and say hello!!! 

Thank you for your patience as we navigate the new Team Forums!


♥ New thread starts when the leaders are prepared to start a new Chat 😂


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16 Replies

Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥

Now that it is Spring Break, and we enter the new Team Forums, please be patient as we learn the in's and out's of the new postings.  I will do my best to learn quickly, but remember, I have a full time job outside of Etsy.  

To my Shopper's Paradise friends, thank you for your convos. I am doing my best.  I am so happy that you wish to return to see us.  I have missed you.  

To my new Paradise Friends, WELCOME!  We are so happy you found us.  

To all, be sure to post your shop items so that we can favorite your item to help you get more views from our notification board.


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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥

Hello, Paradise Friends!

I am so happy to be back on the threads.  This discussion board is not as user-friendly as the old board, but we will get used to it... we have to.

I am looking for a way to add my new items with pictures and links here.  When I figure it out, I will share!

Looking forward to chatting with you all again!

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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥


Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥

Well, that's not good.  I want to SEE the picture of the item.  Another link... more time to click and wait... and wait... and wait. 

Come on.  Let my new item appear!  boo-boo bunnies

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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥

Please go to this link and give a THUMBS UP LIKE to the admins comment about forwarding the request to get previews and icons in the new forums, as the old forums did have.  He is "Passing it on as a suggestion".  Ha!  We need to bombard that comment with LIKES.



Thanks, Everyone!

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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥

Hello, Paradise Friends!

I don't know why my picture is missing, but I will figure it out soon.

I added a picture for ParadiseDaily - I thought this was our Captain page... but I guess not.  Some say the picture could take 5 hours or 24 hours to appear.  That seems a bit slow... HA! But, I will check later tonight.

I will try to figure out which email is the official captain. I have not had much luck yet.  For now, ParadiseDaily can start the threads and such.  I think thread titles are going to matter in this new format.






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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥

Hi Juls!!! Thank you so much for figuring this stuff out. Man, oh, man...

I will try to stop in more often and see if I can figure anything else out, as well, but I have a lot going on with my mom and mother-in-law who have both been in the hospital. We think we have my mom set, but she is going to need more help as she is getting up there. My mil had breast cancer surgery and starts chemo this week. I'm going down to Ohio over the weekend to help her. All prayers welcome.

I'll talk to you more on our convo...

Hopefully, everyone can figure out how to get in here and comment.

To "Log In" :

Go to "YOU" on the top right.
Go to "Your Teams".
On the left, click "Teams"
Scroll down to "My teams"
Click on Paradise Friends.

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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥

PS. Juls told me the above info, I was just resharing...

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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥

I hope they are both okay.  You are a wonderful daughter and DIL.  You have your hands full.  God bless you! 

I hope your trip goes well.  I know the driving is long, but you will be so happy that you did all that you are doing.  Wishing you, your mom and MIL (and hubby, too) the very best!  (and thank you)

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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥

Hey Juls, This is insane...where is everybody???????

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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥

I don't know.  Initially, this forum is hard to find.  And without the pictures of people's stuff, it's kind of boring. And if our team can't find it, how can others / buyers find the forums and our team. 

The worst part is losing the pictures of what everyone has in their shop. I loved seeing what everyone made - quickly at a glance.  To have to click and wait and close and comment... just too much work, unfortunately. 

I do hope friends will find us and let us know what they have been up to.

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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥

Hi, Leslie.  This new forum is just not user friendly. 

I have been so busy with school, that is "unfriendly forum" made me feel lonely, instead of happy.  I am sorry that I did not reply to you sooner. I hope you are doing well... and good.

How is your son doing with the pilot of his show? I have been thinking of you and him.  Still so cool!

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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥

Hello, Paradise.

School's Out for the Summer!

And I just finished adjussting all of my shipping prices.

It's weird... some prices went up, but the "with a second item" price seemed to go down. I think it is because they bundled the weights... 9-32 oz. is a lot of weight.  If an item is 9 oz. and they buy two, there is no increase in shipping.  But if the item weighs 17 oz. and they buy two, the price goes up to the 33-48 oz. price.  So... I had a lot of adjusting to do.

I guess I will find out if I did it correctly when someone buys something.  I have not made a sale since the change in price.  Well, I did sell a small item... I was only out the 5% of shipping that Etsy is now taking.  But, other than that, it was a sale and it made me happy.

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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥

I was thinking of starting an annual 4th of July Sale... clearance of all finished items in my shop.

SERIOUS sale... like 40% off.  So, it would give me zero profit after paying Etsy, but it would clear my house of inventory.

So, look for the sale!!  Thanks, Friends.

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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥

I was the last to post in July of 2019.  I might start a post for 2020.   I miss my friends.

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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2019 ♥ Welcome Back, Paradise Friends! ♥ April - Present ♥~♥~♥

I can't log in to Paradisedaily.  Sorry.  Maybe next weekend, I can contact Kat and see if she remembers the log in.


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