
(Established in 2008)

Formerly known as Shopper's Paradise, then just Paradise...
Welcome to the NEW Paradise Friends! Just a place to share your creations, your successes, your troubles, your questions and most likely find answers.

We've been around for awhile, we're a personable group we love past, old and new members!!! Come on in and say hello!!! Just got to the Featured Chat thread below. :)


♥ New thread starts when the leaders are prepared to start a new Chat 😂

Registered Buyer

Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Hi to all
I got a email.that I owe $6.40 how do I pay it.some one to.d me I do not have a bill I m lost now
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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Shop Manager
Payment Account

My sales covered my fees this month, so I don't see if there is a link to pay your bill on this page. But, that is where it usually is for me.
They are not taking our payments from our accounts before they pay us, so I guess I am covered this month. Not sure I will know how to take care of the tax return with this automatic stuff... but we shall see.
Hope this helped, Dianna.
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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Sorry... typo.
They are NOW taking our payments from our accounts before they pay us.
(That is a big typo. Sorry about that.)
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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Hi, Ruth. You are a busy lady! I hope you are having fun.
Congrats on the sales! Enjoy your grandkids!
(And I am very, very happy at my new job! It's so wonderful. Thanks for the good thoughts and support!)
THIS one is very, very popular! (Few sales all summer... and now I have sold a few! Yay!)
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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Dianna, when I get the emails (for listing fees when I don't have a sale) there is usually a button that says Pay Now that will take you to Etsy.
Otherwise, go to Dashboard - Shop Manager - Finances - Payment Account
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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Juls, what grade do you have? Still Kindergarten? Is it close? How long is the job for?
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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

OMG, guess what happened after I logged out of here yesterday!? Two more sales at the same time - still my glittery earrings but with the other sale and one from last week, I had a $50+ deposit into my account today! Yay! It could not have come at a better time. I have been spending like crazy lately.
Today, my daughter and I were going to look at doll houses at a huge doll house store. It was the only day we were both free. Unhappily, when I went on to their website the store was closed on Mondays. :(
So I went on to Amazon and found a great one. Sent the link to my daughter and once approved ordered it. She will have to put it together but she loves those tricky little things. My granddaughter is going to freak out. She's got a lot of things on her list but most of what we have bought is not on it - we already warned her that sometimes Santa has a better idea. ;) The dollhouse will probably be from someone else as we received money from her uncles, etc.
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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Hey, Ruth! What fun! And congrats on the additional sales! I love when that happens! Your granddaughter is a lucky girl. You are a great grandma!

I got two sales while at work today! ... funny to hear cha-ching at work. Kids look all around wondering where it came from. hehe.

I am teaching kindergarten. They hired me probationary (yay) - usually I get temporary. So, this is great! It means, as long as things go well, and I get a good evaluation from the principal (who is awesome) then, I have a job next year. No one is returning from a leave of absence or TOSA or all that, so no temporary status. (Yay). It is usually 2 years probationary, then third year you gain permanent status. Again, I am hopeful. I really like it here. I feel like I am making a difference. The drive is about 40 minutes away, with no traffic. (Did I mention I work in Silicon Valley - always traffic.) Kids start at 8:25. It's an all day kindergarten, until 3:10. We work until 3:30 *ha - usually around 7 or 8 pm for me, at this time. But, I CAN leave at 3:30. I am having so much fun. I just love feeling needed in a classroom. The kids are really great, too.
Whoa. That was a lot of information. Sorry. But, thank you so much for asking. Can you tell how happy I am?

Oh, got my first paycheck on Friday. We went and cut down a live tree in the mountains at a tree farm this weekend. We always do, but it felt nicer with a paycheck in hand.
Happy Sales, everyone!
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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Juls, that is fantastic news! I am so happy for you. :)

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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Last night, I got yet another order for earrings - from my daughter's cousin in the U.S. Ran out early this morning to pop it in the mailbox down the street with a couple of Christmas cards for my sister (U,K.) and brother (California). Then looked at my phone and guess what!? Yes, another order but this one was for my angel ornaments. :) It's all packaged up and ready for the mailbox.

I actually did a little work in my Etsy shop yesterday. Just a few little changes on the wording of my Christmas listing titles - and touching up the tags and descriptions when necessary to match. I actually missed one, so must remember to do some editing to it after this post.

As for the dollhouse which I thought was coming next Thursday - when I knew I could be home for the day - it is now arriving by tomorrow night. Of course tomorrow I am out most of the day - big Christmas lunch party - and out again just after to take Fiona to class. I will have to ask my neighbour to take delivery - again.

Happy Sales everyone!
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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Hi everyone. Sorry I have not been around much. Dealing with my frozen shoulder really sucks. Going to pt twice a week. I can't lift my arm much at all. I am not at all happy. They told me it could take up to a year to heal.
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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Ruth, congrats on the sales, again! Woohoo! Doll house: nice to get it early, but not when you are out. Glad you have nice neighbors.

Sandy, so sorry you are still hurting. Shucks. It must be awful. Does this mean you are out of work at this time? Or are you still trying to work? I hope you feel better sooner, rather than later. Good luck!

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Registered Buyer

Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Ruth--- thank you for tell me about my bill
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Registered Buyer

Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

just stopping in

still working on my shop
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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Sorry to hear about your shoulder, Sandra. Hope it doesn't take as long as they say to heal.
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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

It's busy busy busy here. The dollhouse came earlier than expected and on a day I was home. :) Presents are wrapped - well most of them - and hidden away from the kids (Santa has picked them up and will deliver them Christmas Eve). The tree and hallway are decorated. The house is a mess but hopefully, I can get things organized next week. Won't happen before that as tomorrow I am busy with a dentist appointment and taking the kids to see Santa in the daytime and Fiona has a dance class in the evening. Saturday, Fiona has rehearsals for the Nutcracker and Sunday we have a big Christmas Party to go to.
No more Etsy orders since Tuesday - will see if any more come this weekend. Only one pair of my glittery earrings left to sell on the listing. I do, however, have more but with a different colour crystal (at the neck), so will modify the listing with a note about the change - not sure if I will get around to posting a different photo.
Although I had a number of sales these last few weeks they were small ones $10 to $11 so not much money being deposited into my account. Every little bit helps though - I have been shopping, shopping, shopping and my Visa bill is atrocious !
Wishing you many sales - time to go....
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Registered Buyer

Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Hi to all
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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

hi! just popping in .
Sewing machine is on the fritz. I need to "rest" it every design or so.
30-40 minutes and then, it resets. But, it's not great. I just need to finish this ONE item to make sure it arrives to Project Santa Claus by the 12th. I hope my machine lasts a little bit longer tonight. Post office closes at 6. EEK!
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Registered Buyer

Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Juls--i hope you got to the post office
in time
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Registered Buyer

Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

can not get my scanner to come on.well I have a 3 in one I will call my guy
and he will hook it up
in the mean time I will be making new cards
have a nice day
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Good Morning everyione,

I'm popping in quickly to say hello, it's been awhile. It's been a very scary week and hectic week for me. My husband went into the ER on Sunday afternoon (a week ago) and stayed there for 5 days. He ended up having surgery mid-week, but he made a turn for the better and now he's home for a week or two recovering. It was one of the first times I faced maybe not having him in my life and it scared the crap out of me,

I finally got a couple of orders over the past weekend. Too much, too little, too late. I am sorry to say, because of the lackluster sales this season and the way Etsy has changed their financing and search engine tactics, I am most likely leaving Etsy by year end or whenever my listings expire. I may possibly keep open my wedding shop, or maybe my Works shop, but with a very limited inventory. I will put them in vacation mode, so I can pop in and say hello occasionally. Sad, after being here over 10 years...but must move forward.

I started setting up a store on Zibbet and I registered for a domain name to get my own website going. Then my hubbie fell went in the hospital, I will let you guys know when that is all set up. I am and I will always be on Facebook, so you can friend me there: Kat Schermerhorn Wauters,

I've gotta go finish getting ready for work, love you guys always! Paradise and the friends I have made here, made Etsy worth it. ♥

Love, Kat

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Registered Buyer

Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

in 2006 I sold l lots of,things--now it is very slow

Kat I do hope you pop in . I was on artfire .I may take a look at that and others
hope your hubby gets will soon.
take care
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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Thanks, Dianna. Yes, I did... with 10 minutes to spare. Tracking item.

Oh, no, Kat! I am glad he is okay now. What happened? I will say a prayer for him and you. How scary for you both! Blessings!
I understand about Etsy. I hope you find what is right for you. Let us all know if you find success elsewhere and we will follow you! Ride on your coattails, as it were. :)
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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

There was a Big article in the Sunday paper about my school district.
23% of the school kids were homeless as some time in the past school year. Many kids worry about being homeless again. It's hard to study and learn when you are worried where you might be sleeping the next night. It's scary for them. 89% of the kids are on the Free Breakfast/Lunch/Snack/Dinner Program. Of course, this is school days only, so they are on their own on the weekends and holidays and summers. I am learning a lot about the area... so close to Silicon Valley and Stanford University - (where only .2% - that's point 2 percent - were homeless this past year). It's heartbreaking. I really hope to make a difference in a positive way.
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Re: ♥~♥~♥ 2018 ♥ NOVEMBER / DECEMBER Team Chat Thread ♥~♥~♥

Just sharing. I am on DonorsChoose.org which is a site to help specific classrooms with specific needs. I posted to help my students in my classroom - to experience more and gain knowledge from these great experiences.


I would truly appreciate it if you could share this link on your Facebook pages, or Twitter, or with friends and family. I am not asking you all for donations. I am asking that you post the need of our district...
Ravenswood School District... and maybe a rich relative will help.
Thanks! No worries, if you don't. I am just not Facebook savvy.

Have a good night, Paradise.
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