Hey, Dianna!
Hey, Kat!
I think it means that she is not selling them, but using the items herself.
Just finished a week of testing and completed the reports cards! Yay!
Next week, I have jury duty. Not sure if this is good for the kids... to move into a new classroom, get a new teacher and then have her yanked out for civil duty.
And the following week, we have parent teacher conferences. (I'd hate to have to reschedule all of those!) I will meet most of these parents for the first time. Both parents work, and they have various friends, family and neighbors helping to pick up and take care of the kids before and after school to make ends meet. I am looking forward to meeting them.
So... I hope you are all well.
Oh, I also just signed up to do the church Holiday Boutique this Sunday. They said they had a couple of spaces left... so I applied and I hope they accept my application. I can do one day - this Sunday - 9-6 (plus set up and take down). Oh, yay. hehe. I am excited. But feeling tired already! haha :P
So have a great day, Paradise!