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whats something good that has happened to you in 2012?

I'm sure for many of you this week has been about recovering from the holiday rush (at least I hope so!) and getting ready to set new goals for 2012.

What can we look forward to in your shop this year? Has anything good happened so far towards that goal?

Well in Bailey's Bruins shop, I have a few contacts to sell a whole bunch of stuffed animals this year! First I am going to be sending some to New York for baby shower gifts to see how well they do, then one of my regular customers just asked me to make a stuffed animal to go with her new book! Wow what an awsome start to the new year!
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5 Replies
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Re: whats something good that has happened to you in 2012?

I have joined Pinterest, and twitter to promote myself and fellow Etsians. I have seen lots of repins for my items and others from my various teams. I hope it helps people to get views and sells! I am excited for the new year!
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Re: whats something good that has happened to you in 2012?

I've been contacted about possibly making mugs for the Pesto Cafe in Fayetteville. I'm waiting to hear back. It would be a fun project. ... Twenty mugs, which actually would be used for a cheese sauce. Cross your fingers for me...
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: whats something good that has happened to you in 2012?

I've been thinking about joining Pinterest but havn't gotten around to it.

I sliced open two of my fingers so it slowed down my goal of adding more items to my shop. On the bright side, I glued my the tip of my finger back and am back to work! It slowed me down for a few hours.

Good luck on that order Patricia!
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Re: whats something good that has happened to you in 2012?

My work continues to sell in Waverly in Springfield despite the economy being bust for a lot of folks.

It's a wonderful gallery.

I hope all are doing well with their inspiration and sales.
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Re: whats something good that has happened to you in 2012?

Hi All, I will have a piece/acrylic painting in a juried show at the Waverly House in Springfield, MO 2031 S. Waverly opening this Friday night June 1 from 5-7:30.

Not my very fav piece made it in the show but I have about 10 papier mache pieces in the gallery, some I really like and the gallery itself and the show, titled Untamed will have a lot of really great stuff in it.

Please come if you are able or visit the show anytime through July 28th.

Happy Thunder storming to you all.

Linda aka Punksy (handle from my Welsh pony mare)
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