Here is your opportunity to chat about whatever is on your mind... Get to know your teammates, and start networking and building those relationships :o)
Thanks, Jeana! Very interesting--I didn't realize one could send something as late as Dec. 20 (or later with the more expensive options) and still have it arrive in time for Christmas. I basically feel like Christmas starts on Dec. 20...haha.
I was surprised too Michelle. I put a deadline of Dec. 20th at 6 pm for all orders (since I ship everything Priority Mail) if they want them delivered by Christmas. I hope I'm leaving myself enough time to pack orders. I want to give people plenty of time to place their orders, but I don't want to be running around like a crazy person trying to pack orders either. How much time is everyone else leaving to pack stuff? It's not like I have 8,000 items in my shop so I won't have 6,000 orders or anything.
I remember the people at the mall when I worked retail. They would be there right at closing on Christmas eve trying to buy their gifts. They would beg me to stick around so they could finish their shopping. Being the terrible person I am I had no pity, they had 363 days to prepare for Christmas. It's not my fault they waited until the mall was closing on Christmas eve to start their shopping. End rant. : )
Jeana - I still work retail so I totally understand your rant :o). I subtracted two days from the date on the website for the last order to leave me time for packaging and to (hopefully) cover the post office in case of an error... Now I can only dream that my shop is emply long before that happens :o). Hehehehe...
Nicole - Glad I'm not the only one who feels that way!! I mean really. Plan ahead people. Christmas is the same date every year! : )
Leaving time for post office error is a good idea. Think I better give myself an extra day just in case. I too dream that my shop will be empty long before the deadline. : ) Good luck!!! I haven't put up a deadline for my shop because I figure cards are the sort of thing that people buy ahead of time in order to have time to send out. So actually, and I hadn't thought of this until now, it seems my "Christmas rush" window will end probably second week of December-ish.
Thanks for checking in, Nicole. I was out of town for Thanksgiving, so that was a nice break. I can't really believe it's already December, though.
Congrats on your sale, Jeana! I've had a small but steady stream (ironically except for Black Friday and Small Business Saturday, when I had zero), so I'm happy!
I survived, although barely :o) My family is a wild bunch :o) Just starting to get back into the swing of things and remember that I have to work instead of enjoying time off.... How was your holiday? I hope everything went well!!
I too am trying to get back into the normal swing of things. It was so nice doing nothing all day for so long that it's hard to get back into work mode. Hope you're all having a good start to the new year!
Nicole and Michelle - I am so glad to hear that you two are having trouble getting back into the swing of things as well. In addition to a nasty and lengthy case of bronchitis, I've been dealing with a major case of laziness. Time to get back to work though.
I had a good holiday with the family. My holiday sales were nearly non-existent which was rather disappointing. Hope everyone else had more luck than I did.