Quick Question about Vacationing Shops - Please Help!

When I'm living in a very small apartment for the next two years, I won't be able to run my Etsy shop, save for the summers when I'm back home from college. I was thinking it wouldn't be too bad to put it on vacation mode for the 2 eight-month periods and just let all my items expire until I renew them for summer, but I was wondering... would Etsy shut down my shop due to long periods of inactivity? I really don't want to lose all my sales and reviews... any insight would be greatly appreciated!!!
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Re: Quick Question about Vacationing Shops - Please Help!

Hello Nicole!

I did some research into this and found two useful threads in the forum. It seems that if you left your Etsy shop for longer than 6 months without logging in (completely inactive) then Etsy would close down your shop -- but this is only if you don't log in!

Source #1: https://www.etsy.com/ca/teams/7718/questions/discuss/5100398/

If you are putting your shop on vacation mode, then it seems that your shop can be on vacation mode for as long as you like without it being closed down.

Source #2: https://www.etsy.com/ca/teams/7718/questions/discuss/14168635/

I would still confirm this with Etsy through their support page just to make sure that this information is correct (https://www.etsy.com/help/contact?ref=486). ^_^

- Emma
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