I've been playing WoW since about a week before BC. After some guild drama, I wanted to quit, but I had started raiding right as Wrath started up, and my raid convinced me to stay, and join their guild after mine folded. I haven't stopped for more than a week since.
Though WoW was not TECHNICALLY my first MMO (It was Well of Souls, back in the early 2000s), it has been my favorite, and by far not my first game. I cut my gaming teeth on the Atari 2600 when I was... 4? 5? (as I show my age lol) I started playing RPGs on the NES, and haven't stopped. My most recent acquisition is Persona 3 for the PS2. I'm a little late on it because an ex-roommate had it, so I saw no need to buy it when it came out (and I learned my lesson; get Atlus games WHEN they come out or you'll never lay hands on them!!) but I'm enjoying it just the same.
My aresenal consists of too many games to even count, though favorites include anything Atlus puts out, particularly the Shin Megami Tensei series, the Final Fantasy Series, puzzle games, strategy games (Shining Force will forever be a favorite for the Sega Genesis AND Sega CD), the Lunar Series (started on Sega CD in 1992, now have the PS ports), and of course most RPGs I can get my hands on.
Other MMOs I've dabbled in include City of Heroes/City of Villans, I did a trial of Rift (but my boyfriend and I agreed that it felt too much like a WoW ripoff, probably due to the way they advertized; if you need to use another game to advertize yours, you're doing it wrong. I may try it again in the future since I DID like some of it - though it seems like you need to run with a group if you don't want to die constantly from Rifts being opened on your head), did the trial of Aion (loved the game until I hit level 15, when PvP became mandatory), and plan to start LotRO to see what that's like. I did cut my Mult-User Online Gaming teeth on AnimeMUD and Tele-Arena Gold.
I'm looking forward to seeing what Star Wars has to offer, since Galaxies fell very flat.