The purpose of this game is to post a photo of an item in your shop which resembles the colour of the item in the previous photo, name that colour then heart the previous item.
NB - You may change the colour by posting a photo of a multi-coloured item, which includes the colour of the previous item, but by naming the new colour which the following player must match, unless they post a multicoloured item and name a new colour!
This will increase the number of views for your shop and theirs. Etsy tracks the number of views: Dashboard Latest stats & Recent activity.
So, I will post a photo of an item in my shop (this can be a photo with an link below it, or a combined photo & active link).
The next player will post a photo & link of an item in their shop which resembles the colour of my item, then heart my item & name their colour ...
and so on ...
Here is mine (click on the photo)
My colour is blue (I could have chosen to name red or yellow).
Now it is your turn, either post a photo of a blue item from your shop, or post a photo of a multi-coloured item, which includes blue & name your new colour.
Tip - If you post a link below your photo and you want it to open a new page, click on the chain-link icon above, paste the URL for your item in the 1st field (for example, the URL for my item -->, click in the 2nd field to copy the URL, select Target: Open in new page, then click on OK.
Tip - If you want to post a combined photo & active link. Copy & Paste a photo of an item from your shop. Click on the photo you have just pasted, to reveal 4 re-size handles at the corners of the photo. You may re-size the photo by dragging one of the handles. Click on the photo to ensure the handles are visible. Click on the chain-link icon above. Paste the URL for the location of your item in the first field. Paste a description of your item in the 2nd field. Select Target = Open new window. Click on OK. Click on Post. If you get an error message, click on Post again. This works for me! If this doesn't work for you, then post a photo of your item with an active link below it. Don't forget to name your colour!
Play as often as you like, but please wait for at least one other player to post an item before you add another.
Please name your colour.
Fun idea!
I don't have much red in my shop, but I do have these! I do custom laser design/engraving mostly with wood and acrylic mediums. These are cute Mickey Mouse dress up earrings! Shop Listing: Mickey Mouse Acrylic Earrings
The new color will be .... Black!
My color is golden/yellow
My color is gold + brown
@ApiseraCraftworks wrote:
My color is gold + brown
My color is turquoise.
My colour is green
I fav'd ArisSelections and the Tree or Life print. (Great prints btw!)
My handmade earrings have green and other colors so my color is turquoise: