First off I don't want to come off as a pity sales person, but I am in need. Here's how.
So I finally got a real job with a steady income (enough to provide for my family). Well they have to send me to training in a city 3 hours away and put me in a hotel for 1 week. That is all fine and dandy, BUT I have to pay for my own food, and I have ZERO dollars to do so.
With that being said I am calling on help from my fellow etsy members. I am hoping and praying that some of you might find something in my store you might like to buy, or something that a member of your family or friend might want to buy. If you think it should be a little cheaper or need to make payments, I am more then willing to do that, I just NEED to eat, and that wont happen unless I have help from YOU.
So if you would PLEASE take a minute and check out my store I would greatly appreciate it. Again please contact me if your the least bit interested in anything I have for sell.
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!