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Shop Sections

Hello fellow team members.

I am looking for methods, answers, suggestions, and whatever it takes to improve our Etsy Shops – I am far from a computer tech, nor do I have a great understanding of the internet, however I have contacted those who are in the know – our web hosting techs, the head of computer services at one of the major banks, along with local web designers.

Today’s issue [I have others I will field at a later date] – the number of shop sections we are allowed – 10 for everybody. While some vendors only use a few shop sections, many of us require double, triple or more sections to make the shop easier and more friendly to shoppers.

I have contacted Etsy support about this – the standard answer was given that every shop is allowed 10 sections – I so not sincerely believe the problem was given any consideration by higher authority or someone who has full understanding of the concern of limited shop sections.

Based on what I can find in Etsy information – when 10 sections is not sufficient, then a vender can open multiple shops --- I for one do not want the hassle of multiple shops [tried it] --- when I get a shopper in my store, I certainly do not want to send them to another store – you have lost them to another vendor on their way there [no offense meant to other shop owners].

Based on what I have been told by computer designers and tech specialists, it is a fairly simple basic undertaking to increase the number of sections as a blanket undertaking for a web designer who is knowledgeable.

I don’t have the web design knowledge or understanding of how to correct this – I have to leave this to the Etsy web designer. What I do need, is support from fellow Etsy shop owners who are having the same problem – I am looking for assistance on how to approach Etsy on this and make our shops a more friendly place without sending them down the road.

John Caverly
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