Every Friday, I put together a treasury of some of my favorite items made by other etsy sellers, post it on my blog and call it the Friday's Favorites.
Last week's treasury, Spooky Time, had 104 views, 44 comments, 65 clicks, 33 admirers, and 2 SALES!
http://www.etsy.com/treasury/NjI1NjY2NHwyNzIwODI5MzY3/spooky-time?index=0This week, I'm looking for CATS. If you have an item in your shop that is for cats or has cats on it, post the link here, then check my blog tomorrow for the Friday's Favorites.
http://www.AllThingsTangled.blogspot.comDon't have cats? Feel free to nominate a friend's item and help spread the love!