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So hurry up and have a look of my shop and choose your desired products which you love and desire to buy. Below is the link for my shop.
Encapsulating all the personality of the Premier range, but created by using paints with a higher pigment content on specially prepared glass, the Delux Range emphasises vibrancy, contrast and style. Embracing a sense of natural chaos, they make a bold statement in any, post-modern setting.
Fashionable and affordable, the eye-catching designs of these hand-made clocks are far from conventional. Each, unique piece fuses flourishes of colour to produce an effect that can be anything from boisterous to enigmatic. These clocks are an attention-grabbing focal point for any home or office.
They come with a silent sweeping mechanism and ready to hang or we have an optional 'Oak base plate' for those that require a free standing deskwindow sill clock.
Each of these pieces are completely unique and handmade by myself.