I’m having a huge sale in the Wings of Sin store until January 6th. I just broke my sewing machine in a very costly way and both my sergers need serving so they don’t end up in the same situation. So I’m doing a fundraising sale!
I went through my inventory and I’m making all one of a kind items 20% off. Some of them were already marked down so they are way cheap! Also, I went through the inventory of in stock items that are normally made to order and I made those 15% off. Only certain sizes available so get it while you can!
Click here www.etsy.com/shop/wingsofsin?section_id=5552655&ref=shopsection_lef... for 15% off Made to Order Sale and here (www.etsy.com/shop/wingsofsin?section_id=16548304&ref=shopsection_le...) for 20% off One of a Kind Sale!