The past semester, I entered a logo/poster design contest for the Statue of Liberty 125th Anniversary. I am proud to say that one of my designs made it to the final 10. Yeah! I am here to enlist the help of my Etsy community in getting my logo to be chosen. It would mean so much to me because school has been such a challenge for me but when I decide to do something I always give it my best.
So my fellow Etsians, without a long sob story (which I do have), please hop over and vote for the black 125 with the abstracted flame - LOGO "I"
With much gratitude,
(sorry for this not totally being a 'business' post, but it would so much to me to have this accomplishment in my portfolio). Thanks again.
email me at if you have any questions, comments, etc. I put up a giveaway for those that vote -