I'm really interested anytime shipping comes up as a topic...
Initially I was shipping in letter envelopes or whatever reusable envelopes I had on hand (sometimes bubble mailers, but often not) for $1.00, without any form of delivery confirmation or the like. After doing some research, I switched to bubble mailers (mostly purchased for about $0.65 each, if not more) and delivery confirmation. That actually bumps my shipping costs well above $2.00 most of the time, but I'm only charging $2.00 for shipping within the US (at the moment).
I looked into PayPal a couple of times (including once tonight), but it asks me for the weight of the package (and some other things I don't know), but I don't have a shipping scale. I'm not yet making enough sales to warrant purchasing or renting a shipping scale, and I've heard that sometimes the post office will hold an item and make the recipient pay extra if they don't agree with the weight determined by a seller's scale.
So...how does one go about using the better PayPal price (and included Delivery Confirmation service) without a scale? Or is there a cheap scale out there? And where can I get bubble mailers "for a few cents"? (The cheapest I found was something like 50 cents at a local Walmart.) I have no intention of fleecing my customers on shipping, but I also don't want to keep spending so much of my (modest) sales earnings on shipping and supplies. As it is, I haven't even broken even after the costs of materials, Etsy fees, PayPal fees, and shipping.
Thanks for bringing up this topic. :)