Unfortunately, with a virtual shop you still get looky-loos just like a brick & mortar store would. People stop by, as a bunch of questions, ask for ideas, and then disappear just as you're trying to secure the sale. Just be polite when answering questions and provide as much detail as possible. It doesn't matter if all the answers can be found in your listings, most people just skim and don't fully read listings.
The requests for free stuff are so annoying, since I cross-advertise (Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) the requests just pour in. I ignore them all.
I haven't completed any wholesale for resale orders, the last one I attempted fell apart when a payment deadline wasn't meant. My main stipulation is that the resale can't take place over the Internet and that in good faith I expect that person to display my business cards by the display in their store.
I have done bulk orders though, any single order with 10+ bracelets and depending on the style, # of strings, etc. I apply a discount accordingly. Sometimes it's just easier to offer free shipping on those orders. It's always up to you, don't let anyone bully you into giving a discount.
Good luck!