Why did you start drawing?

Or, more to the point, why did you never stop? We all drew as children. Some people put the crayon down. Some don't. Why do you still "color?"
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20 Replies

Re: Why did you start drawing?

Oh this is sweet - I like that phrasing "why do you still color?" and it is so true. I'd say I'm still coloring because of a supportive family. They got me art supplies for Christmas and birthdays and saw me light up getting more and more advanced materials. I'll never forget opening an oil painting kit my grandmother got me and started experimenting with the paint in my room on a canvas pad. My mom burst into my room in a fit because the room was FILLED with fumes and I had no clue how dangerous it was! There is was, probably hallucinating from it all, cluelessly painting away. ;) haha We still laugh about that.
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Re: Why did you start drawing?

great question...! my avi is a crayon drawing i did in kindergarten to give to my mom for mother's day. love your story jessica :)
my parents and family supported me also. I still pick up the crayon because I really must. I've tried to walk away a couple of times but it's always turned into my taking a into a different direction in art.
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Re: Why did you start drawing?

Lauraprill, I totally identify with the "really must" aspect of creating art. Certain family members have been more supportive than others in my life.

Creating art is not an option, it's something I do. I would get in trouble for drawing on the back of tests in high school. I doodle in my sketchbook at the DMV and the diner. Art is a part of life.

I cannot understand why (or how) anyone puts the crayons down.
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Re: Why did you start drawing?

It's like that story about the red shoes. The girl puts them on and can't stop dancing...? Well, put a pen, pencil, crayon in my hand and it just GOES! If there is no paper, I will find something to draw on, even my skin or jeans.
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Re: Why did you start drawing?

lol motyl and jashme, me too! I even draw on my phone with an app called Sketch Mobile
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Re: Why did you start drawing?

I started as a child to escape my reality. Then continued as the years passed because it brought me joy. I feel relaxed and comfortable when I'm working on a drawing or a painting.
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Re: Why did you start drawing?

Oh, I like very much what kylie said. It's like she knows what I'm thinking.
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Re: Why did you start drawing?

So late to this thread! My story: I always figured on being an artist when I grew up, but my family was not at all supportive. I kind of gave it up at about 18 (after an illness and due in great part to so much discouragement). But by age 26, I was working as a technical illustrator, and jealous of every "real" artist I met, so I went back to art school some years later, and have been drawing and painting ever since.

Wish I could have all those wasted years back for developing my skills and vision, but que sera...I'm just so thrilled to be able to keep painting and drawing and showing and being a part of the world's little community of artists! My favorite people! :)
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Re: Why did you start drawing?

I was right there with you, Marilyn. I came from a family of doctors, nurses, so I was a bit of a black sheep. Went to school for art, came out as a graphic designer and art educator because my family didn't think I'd make any money with my first love - painting.

After 15+ years in corporate America as a MADwoman, even trying on the hat of a Horticulturist, I'm back FULLTiME to my first love, painting. Sigh....

Reunited and it feels so good....
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Re: Why did you start drawing?

Funny thing is I dont color. Truth is I am color blind. Just a little bit. Anyway I have to say that I really had no choice. There were periods in my early adult life where I was away from drawing, but I always found my way home. Now it is hard to go without a day so I try not to. Plain and simple it is who I am!
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Re: Why did you start drawing?

I like Kylie, would draw and write to escape. It was my only friend. And I never thought in a million years I would become an "artist." I ended up with no choice. I like others here, cannot stop. and It ended up the only thing I could do. Finally am at a point in my life to begin the "art" of making it a business.
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Re: Why did you start drawing?

"Or, more to the point, why did you never stop? We all drew as children. Some people put the crayon down. Some don't. Why do you still 'color?' "

I like the way you phrased this, Jashme. Why did we never stop? Why do we still color?

Jashme, I think this post is poetic.

I still use crayon of sort, though instead of Crayola I use Conte crayon.


I don't think I was ever very good at coloring; as hard as I tried I could never color within the lines. I remember the kids who colored neatly were complimented by the teacher, but I only received admonishment for my messiness.

The banal pictures in the coloring books, or indeed in any of the books always disappointed me. As a child, I always wanted the illustrations to be more, to be my vision.

Why couldn't the Pete the Parakeet stand before a stormy tempest? Why couldn't Peter Rabbit live in a tower of ancient stone?

Why couldn't Snow White play Duckhunt on a Nintendo system?

I drew on all the illustrations in all my books.

Not only did I not color between the lines, I ignored the lines.

And I just continued to ignore the lines, creating my vicarious daydreams in pigment.
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Re: Why did you start drawing?

I started drawing as a child. My mom drew with me. I drew with my child. The drawings never stopped but got put on the back burner from time to time. You know how life gets in the way of art. In high school I wanted to go to art college, but was not able to find funding or support. I became a single parent at a young age. With raising a child, working, and going to college (in a technical field), the time for crayons was limited. I just bought a new box and intend to use those crayons often. I feel like a kid again at the age of 62.
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Re: Why did you start drawing?

just popping in to say that I am very moved by this thread, thanks to all who've taken the time to express this..
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Re: Why did you start drawing?

There is a peace and calm that settles around me like a protective cloud when I begin painting. Picking up a brush or some oil pastels almost immediately creates what I think must be a chemical change in my body.....like laying in the hammock on a summer day or sitting by the pond listening to the water splash and watching the koi. It's terribly addictive in a very positive way. It helps me breathe....
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Re: Why did you start drawing?


I agree, this is a very moving thread


Beautifully said.


I like your story. I hope to feel like a child when I am 62.

And view the world with the innocence of a child.
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Re: Why did you start drawing?

This is a beautiful thread.

For me, of course there is that compulsive side to drawing which just appears to be inherent, like a direct translation of your inner life (conscious or subconscious) onto a surface. These drawings, for me, tend to be rather abstract.

But then, and that for me is the case with the work I create for dearpumpernickel, there is, apart from the pleasure and natural drive, a more rational aspect to it - it is simply something that I can do very well, and that in return gives pleasure.

But then, I suppose, these are connected strongly, as, hadn't I done it so much from early childhood on, I would not be able to do it well now!
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Re: Why did you start drawing?


This is too beautiful a thread to allow to fade so quickly.
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Re: Why did you start drawing?

Hi all! I've loved reading everyone's answers to this question. Like Kylie and others have said, it does make you feel so peaceful. For me it's a way of interacting with the world as I experience it, a little bit like yoga or something, because too often I get stuck in my head. It lets me realize, explore or imagine things I don't know, either about what I can see or what is inside me. Then it's also a nice bonus when the experience is communicated to other people, it's like a universal language for things words can't describe so well.
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Re: Why did you start drawing?


I have heard many say that drawing makes them feel peaceful, like a form of meditation.

For me drawing is not really a meditation as it is a dance of sorts. And being a dance, it requires intense concentration, focus, energy; I actually find drawing kind of draining, as though the art draws all my energy, requires every ounce of will and strength that I have.

I put all I have into my drawings.

And I feel drained, tired, but in a good way.

It is the kind of tiredness that I feel after I have accomplished something great, like after scaling a mountain or finishing a marathon.

(Well, I have done neither of these, but I do box, so it is like finishing a fight; I feel like I have proven myself worthy of a good night's sleep and wear my pride on my sleeve.)

None of these activities are relaxing to me, but they are all deeply rewarding, making life worth living.
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