
How in the world do i get this tumblr ball rolling? Instagram is so easy and even facebook isnt so bad but boy oh boy ive tried everything i can think offor tumblr. I must be missing some crucial thing. I follow lots of people, post, repost others stuff, comment on other posts, heart a bajillion items...whats left to do? Tia!
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4 Replies

Re: Tumblr

Hey Elica,

It sounds like you're already doing everything right :) Could you give me the link to you Tumblr blog so I could take a look at it?

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Re: Tumblr

Hey Elica

Tumblr can be a tough nut to crack. While Tumbr can be an amazing tool for businesses to get their our content out, it's not for everyone. Generally it works well for products with a particular theme or which appeal to an extremely specific audience. The idea is for people with similar interests to share and promote content.

Once you have figured out if Tumblr is a platform where you can engage with your existing and potential customers, here are some actionable tips:

1. Content

-Identify the common interests of your followers and share content that will appeal to them.
-Keep the content short. Tumblr is a visual platform and users naturally prefer visual content over text.
-Users search for new content via the Tumblr search bar. Tag your content so that it's organized for search.

2. Hash Tags
-Hash tags are a great way for people to discover content on Tumblr.
-The explore link on Tumblr can help you to find out current topics and interests. Find out popular hash tags relevant to your business/interests/product and add them to your post.
-Sites such as "KnowYourMeme" and "Trend Hunter" aggregate knowledge on popular trends.
-Add high volume keywords whenever possible to your tags and titles. Only the first 5 tags on your Tumblr post are searchable so limit the number of hash tags to 5.

3. Re-Blogging
-When re-blogging someone else's work, add something insightful.
-Add the tags again. When you re-blog the original tags get erased and need to be added again.

4. Timing
-Time of posting is as important on Tumblr as is on other platforms. Find out when most of your users are online and post then. This'll increase the chances of your followers/users noticing your content.

5. Cross promote
-If you have a platform that works really well for you then cross promote your Tumblr content there. This will help you to get your Tumblr content noticed where you already have a following.

Hope this helps. I look forward to hearing from you if any of these tips worked.

Have a great day ahead!

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Re: Tumblr

Great advice, Akanksha! thanks for sharing...
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Re: Tumblr

great advice,thank you

here is my link

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