I know we started out small with these boards but now we have a lot of them now. Anyone on the team that first follows the board can be invited to a board, we have 37 boards right now. I again need everyone's email to invite them, yes I did not write them down and keep them. I had no idea what was ahead of me. See I have to invite you to each individual board. YA can you believe that. Anyway. Please invite once you are in and Pin away.
If you want in on this pinterest Board or Boards Please
1. Follow the board
2. Send me your email
3. Then Tell me which boards you want on (yes this is the fun part for me) you may say all of them or list individual boards.
4. Then once you get the invite(s) please accept on two levels, the one being on the email and the second one being on the page with the blue rectangle at the upper middle where it says ignore or accept, I think. Then accept and you are in.
After all of that I will ask for your consideration because this is going to take some time to get to everyone, please be patient. Thank you Your Captain Kathy
And for those who are not aware of this, the boards can be used to make easy Treasuries. Just remember one item from each shop on the treasury.
Also, there has been some confusion about who I am with two pictures I have two shops on the team so that is why I am a leader and the Captain. So whichever picture you get I am speaking as the Captain. Thank you and Good Luck