Hi Team!

As some of you are aware there is a new development with regard to our app where some members have had their twitter accounts locked. After taking certain steps they were able to unclock there accounts, however, I have just become aware of an account that may have been temporarily restricted in relation to what's happening.

I believe I have identified what in our retweeting triggered this response from twitter and I have our developer working on resolving the issue!

I expect to hear from him in the next few hours. I'm hoping for good news that this will be an easy fix!

Those who are getting locked, as a precautionary measure, you may want to deactivate your Auto-Retweets for now. In your EtsySocial Dashboard - on the Auto Retweet Tab - uncheck the "Activate" box.

Please post below if you are encountering any problems.

We will get through this and back on track! Thanks Team!


Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

My Twitter retweets are working again. I am auto-tweeting team members. I re-authorized the Etsysocial app and it started to work.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Neither my auto tweets nor my RTs have been working for about a week. For a while there I wasn't automatically RTing anyone either. Earlier today I started automatically RTing everyone else, so I signed into my EtsySocial account and made sure everything is set up properly and waited. And waited. And waited.

Not a single auto tweet or RT. Revoked my Twitter permission.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

All my re-tweets (and people re-tweeting me) stopped on the 15th but came back up yesterday. It seems to be working as well as it did before going silent. Yay!! I can only hope that it stays active!
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Sporadic retweets coming in and also auto tweets. Not up to previous levels tho. Also Etsy social still tweeting my deleted tweets in amongst my new ones. Very bizarre?
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

I am retweeting others automatically yet no auto tweets nor retweets.
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Community Maker

Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Hi Team!

EtsySocial had a big snafu with our hosting coming that brought everything to a halt. Our developer has been working to restore what got loss. It's been a scramble but I believe he has retweets working again. However the twitter accounts for a number of accounts needs to be reauthorized. He was in middle of generating an email to send out when the snafu happened.

I'll see where we are with the email in the morning. If you are not retweeting, please try reauthorizing your twitter in your etsysocial dashbord.

Once we have things back up and running i can continue working on the lockout issue.

Thanks Team for your patience! As always, you all have been great!
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Clarissa, I have reauthorized my account earlier today and tonight after your post. I am retweeting everyone else but getting 0 auto tweets and 0 retweets for the few manual tweets I have done.

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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Etsy social is now auto tweeting and auto retweeting on my behalf, but still including my deleted tweets. I am getting virtually 0 retweets. I will look for you Yona @DoveJewelleryDesign and try to retweet you.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Etsy Social is auto tweeting now but there are no RTs of my tweets. Also my account is still not RTing others.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Can't see any of my auto tweets now!!!!
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Hi all. I am still in trouble, have changed twitter account (hoping this will work) nearly everyday but still no success. No retweets. I continue to manually tweet and retweet as much as possible.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

I am getting maybe 50 max RTs now after reauthorizing my Twitter account in EtsySocial. Still way too low.
On another matter could someone please tell me what TweetDeck settings I should look for to set up auto RTs of team members? I have been asking for help with this for a year or more to new avail. I would be grateful to anyone who can offer some guidance on this. 😊
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Sue ... I will try to help you, but I am no expert. Clarissa helped me set up my columns on TweetDeck quite a few years ago. Then a few more cloumns were added last year when we were retweeting manually. With the new app in place, I am no longer retweeting manually, and I have never ever been locked out. My shop tweets have come from TwitterFu since my shop opened. My views and visits are horrible ... yesterday 48 views with 25 visits ... so I am nothing to copy ... but ... here are my TweetDeck columns ... from Left to Right on my screen:

Home @BonnieLouLane; Manual RTS #EmnttM; #emnttM; #etsymntt;
#BonnieLouLane; Notifications @BonnieLouLane;
User @BonnieLouLane; 
Mentions @BonnieLouLane; User @etsymeetntweet;
Scheduled All accounts (This last one is where you can schedule manual tweets throughout the day.)

I think this last one could be dangerous perhaps, maybe inviting a lockout ... but I'm not really sure. I rarely use this function, but if I have a brand new shop listing, I have occasionally scheduled it to be tweeted four or so times over an eight or nine hour period. Perhaps with TwitterFu sending out one of my shop tweets once an hour, and team members retweeting me on our new app, I suppose these added tweets could land a person in lockout jail. I have not used this self-scheduled function for ... probably five months ... and maybe that is why I have not been shut out ... nor have I been manually retweeting ... I've been letting our new app that Clarissa set up do it all for me. I really don't understand why so many of you have been locked out.

CLARISSA ... can you take a look at my above-listed TweetDeck columns and tell us all if they are still valid ... or if some should be eliminated and others added? I think this would really help us all. Frankly, I am clueless.

Thanks ..... Bonnie
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Conversation Maker

Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

From my understanding tweetdeck does NOT auto RETWEET anyone but you can SCHEDULE YOUR OWN tweets to post at a later time of day or date. Have I missed something?

Also using the #etsymnttM manual hashtag. I initiated this way back, have not used it in a bit. I would like to possibly do a manual tweet for tweet using this hashtag. Meaning if I use it in my tweets I will retweet any other person using it ... IF I use it twice, will retweet two others etc. Anyone willing to do this with me until the app is straightened out?

I will start a list on twitter @swirlingorangeE for those who use the #etsymnttM hashtag so we can sort of keep track.

Also if tweetdeck autoretweets others, can you post the details here?

Going to Twitter now to create list with #EtsymnttM on it

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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Hi, Everyone
I've been lucky until now! I've been locked out of Twitter two days in a row, however, I have been able to restore the account. I've revoked access to EtsySocial until Clarissa let's us know it's safe.

I have a stream set up for #etsymntt and one for the Manual Retweets we set up a few months ago (maybe longer!) and will try to retweet from there.

I'll watch for updates. This is a wonderful team.

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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!


Thank you doing that. I have not been locked out of Twitter recently although there was a time when I was getting locked out daily. For a couple of weeks I have not been able to get the Auto Tweet or Retweet to work. I have posted here and emailed Clarissa without any results. The only part that seems to be working is my Retweeting everyone else. I have revoked access to EtsySocial because there this does not worked for me at all for quite a while.

I will be glad to participate in manual retweets when I can. There is a block of time weekdays when I can't get access to Twitter.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

OK ... I'm trying to figure this out. My TwitterFu subscription tweeted out my "Pussycat" artwork tweet one hour ago. (I can see this on TweetDeck). Then ... in my "Notifications" column, I see that this tweet was retweeted 19 times in the past 28 to 48 minutes by fellow #etsymntt team members. I can tell all of this from TweetDeck. I don't think TweetDeck does anything other than feed you information; however, you can tweet from TweetDeck, and also schedule future tweets. So then I checked into my EtsySocial account. I am NOT tweeting from EtsySocial, TwitterFu does that for me. I AM RETWEETING from EtsySocial... or supposed to be. I have a check in the box where it says "CHECK TO ACTIVATE". Clarissa helped me fill in the info below that. Where it says "TEAM'S TWITTER NAME, I have etsymeetntweet. TEAM RETWEET LIST: Etsymntt (with a capital "E") TEAM HASHTAG: etsymntt (with a small "e") ... all per Clarissa.

From there ... I went back to TweetDeck and looked at both my #BonnieLouLane column and my USER@BonnieLouLane column, which are redundant, but that is the way I am set up. Both columns are showing only my products (my tweets) ... even though EtsySocial is supposed to be retweeting for me ... for which I have PAID them! I am going to write to Clarissa immediately. She knows how to view my account on TweetDeck. I KNOW that I used to see my retweets for my teamies in both of the above columns. I don't know when this stopped. I, myself, am obviously getting retweeted. I want advice from Clarissa on what to do next. I don't want to be locked out (which I have never been yet). If I suddenly have a surge from my manual retweets, and EtsySocial starts retweeting for me (as they are SUPPOSED TO DO) could I end up locked out too? I am going to ask Clarissa for advice. I don't understand why so many of you are having this trouble ... and I'm NOT!??? I want her to take a good look at my account. I am wondering what I am doing differently that I have never been locked out, or is this just a "fluke", plus I am annoyed that my automatic retweeting of your tweets is not happening even though I have it set up to do so. CALLING and WRITING to Clarissa ... will keep you posted.

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Conversation Maker

Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Yona what is your Twitter name I will put you on the list on my twitter at @swirlingOrangeE the list name is #etsymnttM
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Conversation Maker

Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

I have started a list ON TWITTER for "MANUAL" retweets

Go to my twitter @swirlingOrangeE
go to lists
Follow list for #EtsymnttM
I will add all followers to that list so we can retweet one another until app is working correctly
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

My twitter handle is @CraftySchmantzy.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Thank you @swirling
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

So I have subscribed to you list Swirling. Do I now need to add your #etsymnttM to my tweets? So that we can manually retweet each other?
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

OK! Clarissa has written to me ... and I just now talked on the phone with her at 11:45 a.m. East Coast time. She wrote:
"You just need to reauthorize your twitter.

In your etsysocial dashboard click on auto tweets. On the auto tweets page in the upper right hand corner click the button to 'change twitter'. You authorization token has expired and just needs to be reauthorized.

In the future when this happen you will receive an email alerting you. Our developer is working on that now."

The thing that I wanted to clarify, why I just now called her, is that I am doing this correction on my "auto-tweet" page ... not my AUTO-RETWEET page. Clarissa says that this will reinstate my AUTO-RETWEETING of YOUR (my team mates) tweets. I'll be watching TweetDeck closely to see if this happens. In the past, everything was going along smoothly. TwitterFu was initiating my tweets, and EtsySocial was retweeting all of you for me (my EtsySocial account is paid up into March). I have had none of the problems that you all have had using this method. Hopefully, this will now continue, so I hesitate to make any changes at this point ... if, in fact, my auto-retweeting of you works again. We'll see. If I do manual retweets of you, and my auto-retweeting is now working again, that really could land me in lock-out jail, I do believe.

By the way ... when I look at my twitter account, I am listed as BonnieLouLane ART @ BonnieLouLane. Which part is my Twitter name, or is it BOTH?

Thanks, Bonnie
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

UPDATE!!! SUCCESS! Just in the short space of time since I made the above adjustment per Clarissa, JUST NOW when I looked on TweetDeck ... under my "USER @BonnieLouLane" column, I am seeing a retweet by ME of Janet Purves, Karen Donato and DigitalDraft.

I believe it's FIXED! I should be retweeting all of you again automatically. However, I'll keep a close eye on this, just to make sure.
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Re: EtsySocial Retweets & Twitter - Important Please Read!

Thanks for the info. Bonnie your twitter handle is @BonnieLouLane. You can change BonnieLouLane ART to something else but your account will still be @BonnieLouLane.
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