Hello My name is Mary. I've been involved with antiques from the time I was a very young girl. My Mother dragged me around from flea markets to antique shows. She gave me a few dollars as I collected the little Japanese or German bisque dolls so I would wonder and talk to most of the antique dealers. Being so young they told me every story imaginable but boy what an education. My Mother's love became mine because of the history behind everything I saw and touched.
I had an antique shop when I was 18 (in 1886 lol) but it was only a very small place. From then on throughout the years... (and after 4 births) it became a family hobby. We just loved interacting with customers, buyers and hearing all the stories people had to tell. Well... everyone is gone now...and I lost 2 of my sons in 2008 tragically.....
I have been busy building a skatepark in their honor (
http://www.pitcherpark.com) and had to focus on that for about six years.
I am back into the swing of antiques again and I have MANY items to post on Etsy that are unique and old! I just love it! It's in my blood.
Due to my experience with the skatepark. I have extensive contacts on social media Twitter, Facebook, our website which I have done for years. Not sure how to get Pintrest up and running strong.... Ive set it up but that's about it! Just signed up for instagram too...but don't know much about it!
Well that's me.... Thanks for reading!