Welcome to the Etsy and Social Media Team.

Hopefully you've read the New Member Thread (

If you want, go ahead and introduce yourself. Just let us know a bit about you...what you sell, what you're looking for from the Team, maybe what you can contribute to the Team too.

And again...Welcome!!!
Inspiration Seeker

Re: Welcome...please introduce yourself!

Hi, My name is Debbie Wendell and I have been selling on Etsy for several years part time. I retired this spring and now have the time to get my shop in full gear. I am currently on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. I don't see any great results, just a drip, drip, drip of activity. I am eager to learn and share with all of you.
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Re: Welcome...please introduce yourself!

This sound like a great team for me since I have very little experience with social media and it's something I definitely want to learn to do.

I have been on Etsy a little over three years now and it has been very good to me and for me. I make gemstone jewelry, fine silver jewelry and now beaded gemstone jewelry.
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Re: Welcome...please introduce yourself!

Hi everyone! I've recently opened my etsy shop and have a Facebook and Instagram. I hope to gain some tips and insight on using social media to get more exposure. Any help or constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Welcome...please introduce yourself!

Hello! my name is Cynthia. I sell hand made hair accessories and skirts on ETSY. I have an IG account. I joined this team to learn to market my shop on social media.
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Re: Welcome...please introduce yourself!

Hi all! I just opened my shop in September. I work in social media marketing in my day job, so I have Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter & LinkedIn, which are all at least semi-shop-related or related to my blog over at (shameless plug!). I'm really really hoping to be able to learn some Etsy-specific tips for social and share what I know about general online marketing with everyone.
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Re: Welcome...please introduce yourself!

Hey, I opened my shop, officially in August of this year. I'm selling of my vintage and antique fashion collection. It's been a hobby for some years and my collection out grew my house. I use facebook, twitter, google plus, Wanelo, Stumble and just recently built a blog on tumblr. I was on Pinterest but it was hacked about 1 month ago and I had to change my shop name and everything so I haven't been back to Pinterest.
Stumble is so odd to me but it works and I get a lot of views.

By the way, Leslie, your blog is very good. The article you have on social media marketing was excellent.
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Re: Welcome...please introduce yourself!

Hello My name is Mary. I've been involved with antiques from the time I was a very young girl. My Mother dragged me around from flea markets to antique shows. She gave me a few dollars as I collected the little Japanese or German bisque dolls so I would wonder and talk to most of the antique dealers. Being so young they told me every story imaginable but boy what an education. My Mother's love became mine because of the history behind everything I saw and touched.

I had an antique shop when I was 18 (in 1886 lol) but it was only a very small place. From then on throughout the years... (and after 4 births) it became a family hobby. We just loved interacting with customers, buyers and hearing all the stories people had to tell. Well... everyone is gone now...and I lost 2 of my sons in 2008 tragically.....
I have been busy building a skatepark in their honor ( and had to focus on that for about six years.

I am back into the swing of antiques again and I have MANY items to post on Etsy that are unique and old! I just love it! It's in my blood.

Due to my experience with the skatepark. I have extensive contacts on social media Twitter, Facebook, our website which I have done for years. Not sure how to get Pintrest up and running strong.... Ive set it up but that's about it! Just signed up for instagram too...but don't know much about it!

Well that's me.... Thanks for reading!
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Welcome...please introduce yourself!

I am Pam and opened my shop on Jan 1st 2015
I am excited to be here at etsy and determined to make my shop a success.
I started out thinking I would just sell my art, but got carried away knitting and crocheting and now I am designing purses and going off in all directions.
It is a creative journey and I am loving it.
I also opened a second shop for printable art quotes called BeautifulLifeWords.
I am here to learn more about social media.
I have lots of followers on Instagram but I am not sure how to work it as a tool to generate traffic to my shop.
Maybe I need a separate shop account.
I live in Canada and am a retired teacher. I also am a childrens entertainer, singer and storyteller.
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