One or more categories can be selected to help you find teams you're looking for.
IDEAS Birmingham stands for: Independent Designer ...
329 116
The Etsy Team for Norwich, Norfolk and around. Mem...
91 13
Looking to see if we can create a local team for C...
10 1
We are a team of creatives from Richmond, London a...
799 100
Delightful makers of items who all live in or near...
204 3
Aberdeen Based Etsy group. About this team: A grou...
182 7
We are an Etsy Sellers Team based in the UK. We pr...
298 857
We are Etsy Kent, a group of Etsy.com makers who p...
100 9
A team of etsy sellers from Cardiff and the Valley...
199 124
This is a team for Etsy shop owners who live, work...
152 20
Sadly this team is now closed and is not accepting...
485 137
Welcome to Edinburgh Etsy Makers. This team is for...
108 17