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" I know you didn't make that."

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How many times have you scrolled through Etsy lately found shops full of items that you know they didn't make? For me, it's almost 3 or 4 times a day that I find a shop that sells items I have either seen in the Asian food market, the Dollar store, or items that 10 other shops have the exact same item with the same photos!

One of the draws to Etsy that I had a few years ago was that it was a collection of Indie crafters who were able to use the amazing Etsy platform to sell their art online around the world. It's a great concept! We work together as crafters to promote each other, support the handmade community, and enjoy the tradition of crafting. But increasingly Etsy has filled up with nonsense.

Am I all alone in thinking this? Honestly, I can take the feedback. I love Etsy. I love my shop. But I am just a little frustrated with this.
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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Hi team,

As a reminder, the Etsy Success team is not a place that condones the "calling-out" of members on Etsy. Please refrain from sharing individual shop links within these threads. If you believe shops are operating outside of Etsy's policies, please report them via the individual listings you deem to be suspicious. That is truly the best way to ensure an Etsy employee will personally review the listing against our policies.

Each of your shops deserve to be seen and valued for their unique offerings, and a huge part of that is finding your target market. In every marketplace there is competition, but as a seller, you have a unique opportunity to connect on a very personal level with your buyers. Your selling proposition needs to be distinctive to your shop. In case you haven't seen it, here's a link to a great Seller Handbook article that you might find helpful in order to do just that:

If you want to learn a bit more about the process by which our Marketplace Integrity team reviews flagged shops, you can check out this article:

Thank you for being gracious and intentional with the way you operate on Etsy, and within our team. I'm continually amazed by these discussions and the diligence each of you express.

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449 Replies

Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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Yes, I feel the same way. There are some shops where it's very obvious that the items are off an assembly line. Not vintage and not handmade, just junky. It really detracts from the site.
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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Yes. It stinks. I think all you can do is report when you see it, and try to focus on your own work. Wish there was a better answer.
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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I have a relating to something from the dollar tree etc - I completely agree with you, I've seen that as well! But I just started a purse line. I designed them, the patterns are mine, but I can't sew so I outsource that. Does that count with what you are referring to? I don't sell them on Etsy, I set up shop elsewhere, because I'm afraid that's how people will respond here. It's not technically 'handmade' but I hand drew the designs. Sorry to take over your post, I'm just asking out of curiosity. :)
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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Ariana - if you design it and outsource the work, that's no different than a photographer having a printing company print up their photographs. As long as the original design is yours, I don't think Etsy would have a problem with that.

HOWEVER - you might want to contact support and check first before you open a shop here selling those items, JUST to be safe.

As to the other question - all listings have a report button at the bottom. If you suspect some is a reseller, do some research and see if you can find their wholesale supplier. and are both good places to check.

Supply links to the wholesale items within the report and wait and see if the Marketplace Integrity Team will take them down. That's about all you can do.
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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Thanks Erin! I figured as much, and I have seen a lot of stores that do sell similar type things. I just didn't know how buyers would feel about it! :)
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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I find it very frustrating! I am in the jewellery market, which is saturated on Etsy. It's saturated because it's full of mass produced rubbish!

I have reported all those shops (not all are from china as well) but they are still here. Why? Because they sell cheap (which I can't compete with) and in the thousands. So they are making Etsy a lot of money.

I find it incredibly annoying seeing the same bib bubble necklace.... all over the first page of jewellery browse. Of course, they are all handmade! Handmade by one person in China, another person in UK and another person in USA. They even offer the same colours! Wow!

Oh look, the same necklace is on eBay too!
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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I know what you mean, I've felt the same way. I once had a girl favorite a pair of my earrings, then very quickly she unfavorited them. I got curious about how quickly they were no longer worth liking and I discovered that she had favorited a pair that were very similar, but cheaper, simpler, and being sold by a Chinese shop that was selling other mass produced items.

How frustrating.
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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There's hope! I spotted a reseller from the U.S. a few months ago. Her photos were suspicious because some were incredibly professional compared to others that were horrible. I googled the titles of the professionally photographed items and sure enough, it took me straight to an online wholesaler. ALL of her "handmade" jewelry was available on the wholesale site for $2.00 each (my skin is turning green just thinking about it!). I reported the shop and nothing was done. I continued checking her shop every so often and nothing changed. I kept reporting her and still nothing got done. Well, after opening this thread I checked her shop again and it's gone - finally!
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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Well I am glad I wasn't off my rocker on this one. I think all of you are right, all you can really do is report it. But is it really too much to ask that we sellers aren't the only ones who police Etsy's shops? We pay them A LOT of money. I would hope that they would wan to sell encourage shops to be unique.

Shops that are full of garage sale items that aren't vintage, not handmade, and can be currently purchased at Target or Walmart shouldn't be here.
Shops that are obviously mass produced shouldn't be here.

But overall, I am thankful for Etsy. Some of the shops are great. They are owned by hard working people who are trying to do something for themselves beyond the brick and mortar. And I am proud to be one of them.
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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Yeah it is really hilarious too when they have a shop on Ebay with the exact photos and 1000's for sale between both sites, with next day shipping. There is no way they are handmade except in a sweatshop.
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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Just for kicks I looked up Leaves with turquoise Lariat Necklace on Etsy, Bing, and Ebay. It's amazing..but they are all exactly the same necklace! Come on people, be original!

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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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I personally agree. I dont come on here to look for items that I could buy at a local cheap store...I come on here to look for items that are OOAK or are distincly handmade...there is something so special about an item that no-one else can have....I know I always get complimented on my handmade items I am wearing.

Hopefully other customers who come on here think the same....its so frustrating looking through items that you can tell they have just not made defeats the purpose of handmade, up-cycled site.
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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Well.. what can be done?

I personally am searching through my likes and favorite items and making sure that I am not supporting these shops. I am going to make a bigger effort to be more careful not to just click on the follow, like, ect. buttons on the activity feeds.

And I am going to make more of an effort to promote other honest Indie crafters on my blog and Facebook.
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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It is a major problem on here. it has gotten considerably worse in the last several months. I report them and keep reporting them. So far nothing has been done. Guess etsy is making too much money to shut them down. Sad!!!!!
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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Lets call it what it is: unfair competition for all those artists who craft beautiful jewelry.
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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interesting I had no idea. How can you spot an imposter.
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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I'm suddenly worried that my stuff looks "too profesional"... (I am a professional designer in another field) Could that be a problem do you think? If people don't believe that you made it yourself when you darn well did?
I know what you mean though - even the legit suppliers all stock the same stuff that I know I could get at a fraction of the price - if I wanted 5000 of one component...
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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Argh...I hate seeing those 12 dollar bubble necklaces next to my necklaces. I have no choice but to charge atleast $40 for 1 necklace , because I do chainmaille incorporated with beadwork. That's a lot of work plus the materials aren't cheap. How am I supposed to compete? I'm so screwed.
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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I noticed this problem very much when I was doing my wedding. I just wanted a simple backyard wedding with not a ton of frills and just a time for family to get together and got alot of my items off of Etsy that I didn't make myself through tutorials I had found on Pinterest.

Well I went looking for my wedding dress about 9 months out, and was absolutely in shock how many people on here are reselling wedding dresses. They aren't even trying to cover it up, the vast majority are ripping pictures off of wedding gowns from alibaba, ebay, ideeli, all of those sites. I finally just went and ordered several Satin Sheets, sewed them together and made my own wedding dress and gown that I knew no one else would have.
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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Its very frustrating when I see this, but we must all stay strong and hope that the buyers can tell the difference! Good luck everyone!!
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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I just purchased from the reseller from here and Ebay. I am going to send both products to Etsy's headquarters. It is so cheaply made and I am sure they will shut them down when they see them it in person.
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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I have a problem with this too. How can someone have multiple listings go up on the same day, day after day, but when you go to their site it states that the items are made to order. What do they do, keep re listing the item daily?
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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It sadly happens way too much for it to be all gone instantly. I see a minimum of 3-5 shops a day that I am beyond 100% sure that is not handmade, and not just jewelry either. From stamps, dog stuff, cookie cutters, molds for ice or sweets. I just report it and move on. It sucks knowing that I put a lot of hard work in my shop and people are on here selling crap.

At the end of the day the person who decides an item that is $5 is better than an actual handmade item that is $20 or $30 isn't your target market. That person is looking for cheap and thats exactly what they'll get instead of great quality items made with love.

Have a Happy Friday! =D
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Re: " I know you didn't make that."

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yes , etsy doesn't mean home made anymore, stinks : (
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