just real close. to going and getting a 9=5 job....
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08-16-201503:43 AM
It just seems that just as soon as I feel like I'm ready to go all out and go buy a few tables and go to an event or craft fair something happens...either him
Re: just real close. to going and getting a 9=5 job....
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08-16-201503:54 AM
Sorry, my tablet messed up. What I would like to say is $840 a month bussing tables plus tips is real tempting right now. I really haven't given this much of a chance though. But I'm in the process of moving and don't have all my crating stuff I one place. My stuff is here yonder and there right now and wondering if I should just do this part time. Moved in with mom and she is real picky about her house looking orderly and waiting on getting a place with more room. This may take six months to a year.
Re: just real close. to going and getting a 9=5 job....
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08-16-201508:23 PM
Take the job and run your business on your spare time until you can stand on your own two feet, that is, you can live independently and have things your way. Good luck to you!
Re: just real close. to going and getting a 9=5 job....
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08-17-201511:10 PM
Its tempting to want to work, even though I know I'll be hospitalized again. I can work for a time but ive been hospitalized eight times over the that nine years so yea, that is a bit discouraging in hopes of long time employment, Bgea.
Re: just real close. to going and getting a 9=5 job....
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08-17-201511:17 PM
I guess my best bet would be to just stay with my art because I cant keep a job in the real world. So no im not suddenly without health problems. Im not trying to use the system either.