To make sales, need to have traffic. Get folks excited about your stuffs. Can I be very honest here. High possibility... I won't click on your listings. I will pass right through your pictures.
The pictures don't catch my attention. And my attention span is super short. I have hundreds of things to do in a day, drama queen here :-). When I shop, I shop fast. I bet most shoppers are like me.
Great pictures are only part of the deal. But its quite a huge deal.
Love your bears. So cute!!
* I am not saying top of the line pics will get sales... but its a good start. A really good start
Titles and tags need works. I like long titles, some folks don't. But theirs work too. So I'd say experiment until you get a feel of what works and what doesn't... for you. There is an Etsy manual on how to optimize your titles and tags, take great pics and such. Under your account, "Seller Handbook" Full of great tips. I haven't get to it yet. I read here and there, its good... really helpful