I love your scarves!
But here are some tips I can offer by glancing at your store:
1. SEO. SEO is tricky to get a handle on, but will help immensely with getting found. There are many SEO teams here on etsy that can give you helpful critiques.
2. Add more items. I know at first it seems daunting to keep adding items to your store when your not making any sales, but the more you add, the more likely you will be found.
3. Social Media. Use this to your advantage. My tip with this is, find one or two main social media outlets (I personally like twitter and instagram), and use them. And with social media, I like using the 80/20 rule. 80% is behind the scenes/fun stuff, and 20% acutal promotion. This way people don't think your just some nameless company trying to force stuff down our throats. And use social media daily. This way this keeps you at your followers forethought.
4. Patience. Unfortunately, a lot of shops don't get a first sale in less than a month of their shop opening. Use this time to read up on SEO and promoting else where. Hopefully it'll help you. :)