Inspiration Seeker

This team is dying if not already dead

12 stickies half of which are stale as month old bread
Several members are serial spammers and nothing is done
Almost no moderation
60,000+ members but new QUALITY threads are more and more infrequent. With so many members if even 1% were active every month you'd see 600 new threads a month. It's no where near that.
Too many "critique my shop" threads.
Too few thank yous when people do try to help.
Pretty disgraceful.
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40 Replies
Inspiration Seeker

Re: This team is dying if not already dead

Maybe summer doldrums...
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Registered Buyer

Re: This team is dying if not already dead

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Re: This team is dying if not already dead

A long time ago I sent a message to one of the Admins with some recommendations for the Team but I didn't get a response. I sent another message to someone else later and I was told nothing can be changed.

Yes, lots of threads are, 'I just arrived here, help me'. Then the sellers disappear. That is awful indeed. The last time I offered my opinion, I was told...'I don't have to justify my business decision.'' Well, I could no longer justify why I should spend my time offering advice so I stopped.

Also, bear in mind that lots of shops closed due to the EP issue but kept their buyer's account open, and therefore access to the Team. If they don't have a shop here, they'll probably not participate. I didn't meet Etsy's US-specific ID requirements so I had to close my shop. Various countries have different ID requirements but Etsy didn't think this through. Their attitude with this EP forced on us and the way they went about is disgrace to put it mildly.

I visit the Team from time to time, but I am really done here.
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Conversation Maker

Re: This team is dying if not already dead

Occasionally (very rarely) I give critique-my-shop advice, and always when directly approached for it (via convo). However, I have long since learned that maybe 5% of sellers will actually do anything you suggest. So now what I do is tell people about the SASSY self-critique checklist, and send them a link; I tell them that once they have gone through the checklist and made those changes, they are welcome to ask any more questions they have.

So far, zero takers.
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Crafty Poster

Re: This team is dying if not already dead

So dead and it has been for a while. Seems like ever since all of the mods left. I messaged one a while back asking why the team has been pretty much abandoned, but unsurprisingly got no response.
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Re: This team is dying if not already dead

I had a very slow selling month, came here to get tips on what to do to boost sales. DEAD as a DOOR nail. So I'll Add what I am doing in this dry dry month ...

!. Revamping photos : Clear quality pictures & all 5 slots are prefered. I love adding my logo, but people would rather see more of your product. I've asked.

2. Creating more stock . If I don't sell it I can always keep them and add to my very LARGE jewelry collection :) or give as gifts! Handmade gifts are the best gifts!

3. I play around with categories . I have a LOT of styles, what artist doesn't? IDC if I only put 2 items in one category , they are going in. Its easier for the purchaser to browse.

Anyone else have ideas? I'm so bored.
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Re: This team is dying if not already dead

Sellers used to really support each other. A lot of that slowed down when treasuries ended.
I wondered what was going on with this team as it has a lot of members.
I believe Etsy has taken control of marketing instead of having sellers do it like at the beginning. I remember when we could get keywords from the last pages on Etsy. Then they started promotions by having sellers pay for the use of these words. Then suddenly reformat and zero keywords. I wrote down so many before they disappeared. It really helped me learn good keywords like mystical or magical versus gorgeous and delightful. Also, how important describing the texture of an item and best color words to use.
I kind of feel it's to each his own now, and yet there are still some really good helpful teams out there, like Tempt Team.
Perhaps social media groups are now the way to go.
Stay positive people, work your business and believe "your sales are coming", and they will.

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Crafty Poster

Re: This team is dying if not already dead

Sara Boatright, can you share the sassy self critique link, please? I have been looking for the link as it was one of the MOST useful tools I used when I was trying to improve our shop.

Richard, this team has not been moderated for a very long time. If you look back to when the team started there are many threads for self critique and spam, then too.

Etsy has changed a lot over the past 2 years and the advice given even 2 years ago seems irrelevant now. Etsy pushed individual branding, packaging, etc for years and now seems to be shifting to a more cohesive look for the entire site, not individuals.

Personally, we are having a very good year on etsy, but I get tired of having to learn something new here every few months. The site is no longer as fun as it once was. I know this is business, but I have been self employed for most of my life and have always worked at something I enjoy and have fun with, until I no longer enjoy the work.

I know I have clicked to this team many times and seen the same bombardment of spam threads and just clicked out again.
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Crafty Poster

Re: This team is dying if not already dead

I know it isn't a "team", but I've mostly switched over to the forums. They're still alive and kicking, and while there are quite a few threads dedicated to complaining about Etsy's most recent changes, there are also helpful critiques and camaraderie and such :)
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Not applicable

Re: This team is dying if not already dead

That is very sad.. I am really searching for a productive team which I can ask some questions because I really need it. Or maybe the rest of you is willing to help me? :)
How do you like my shop/photos etc.? I still need to translate everything but maybe some of you have some tips? :)
I started with instagram, pinterest and uploading updates but there still not much happening in my shop..

Thank you very much!
Kind regards,
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: This team is dying if not already dead


I don't have a lot of time today butt I looked at your shop.
3 things:
Most of your items have rather subdued colors. A prospective customer's first glimpse of any of your items is a small thumbnail on a page with a whole bunch of small thumbnail. Hard to stand out with subdued colors.

Your titles need a TON of work

Your descriptions seem like they were translated electronically:
"My products do enjoy a long time and are therefore deliberately discreet."

I am a native speaker of English and I no idea what that sentence means.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: This team is dying if not already dead

This is actually the most active team I'm part of... I'm finding it really hard to find active, helpful teams that aren't just promotion spam :/ honestly I rely on Reddit more than Etsy teams. At least those subs are fairly active
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Re: This team is dying if not already dead

Natalia, I just favorited your shop.
I LOVE your shop updates, I wish mine were that well done:)
Help with the translating if you are trying to ship overseas would be a big help for you
But I think it looks amazing
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Re: This team is dying if not already dead

Hi all, I have recently joined several teams and see that many aren't very active. Everyone is probably trying to revamp after this year's changes, which is eating up their time. Until last month, I was rarely active in teams.

I know it's not for everyone, but I found this 5 Steps thing that I'm trying out. There's a group on Facebook and a team on Etsy, where you can get some advice. It's a self-help fix-your-shop idea through learning how Etsy works for you. There is the option to go for paid tutoring but lots of advice is there for free if you search. I'm just getting started in trying to make this Etsy thing pay off after allowing my shop to sit just in existence for seven years so it's early days for results. Anyway, take a look at ETSY Help Coach and Tutoring and see what you think. It may be invitation only, if so, say I suggested it.

I wish you all many sales and a great summer :)

Off to take a look at your shops!
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Conversation Maker

Re: This team is dying if not already dead


Natalya, Richard is right that the translation issues are your main impediment, at least to the English speaking market. Your photos are great. Have you tried Dawanda?
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Not applicable

Re: This team is dying if not already dead

I have another shop on Etsy and that shop is a member of Friend R Us team. I love this team. It is very great and helpful. They do not accept shop that has less than 24 listings though, if I remember it right. So, this shop is not a member there.
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Not applicable

Re: This team is dying if not already dead

I have been a member of this team for a few years and do find it very changed. I don't often contribute advice as I feel I'm not in a position to suggest things to do to others as my shop here does not do that well in spite of my efforts to improve things. I do the vast majority of my selling in person at craft fairs and markets.

It is a shame to see the team doing so poorly as I have enjoyed and appreciated all of the responses of the people who give their advice and expert help to others. Thank you !

I hope things improve for the team...
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Crafty Poster

Re: This team is dying if not already dead

Thank you, Sara!
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Not applicable

Re: This team is dying if not already dead

Unfortunately it´s true, this team has been a lot of fun in the past and my visits got rare in the last months (part of it might be due to my Job as I´m no longer studying at university).
I´d really love this team to get more active again, there was so much to be learnt here.
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Re: This team is dying if not already dead

It's too bad the Sassy Croquets team is closed...that looked very helpful...
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Conversation Maker

Re: This team is dying if not already dead

They largely closed because people would ask for a critique, then never implement any of the advice, then complain that it didn't work.
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Re: This team is dying if not already dead

I have been working with another team, a smaller one, with active and seasoned members with successful shops. That has been very helpful, most of the time big teams are not that good to work with.
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Re: This team is dying if not already dead

Hopefully as I learn more and more, I can be part of the revitalization of this team is some way. There seems to be too many takers and not enough givers . And no appreciation to those that do give. I for one am sorry for that, there has been a lot of good information shared here as I have back up to older posts. Thank you
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Re: This team is dying if not already dead

I have been a member of this team for a long time, as well. It is the first team on my list and I used to check it out at least twice a day. I received so much help from this team’s members and I will forever be grateful for it. I also tried to offer as much advice as I could.

Sadly, I do not come here as often anymore due to the extensive amount of spam and lack of monitoring.

I checked in by chance today and saw Richard’s post and, of course, I had to read it. He gave me valuable advice in the past and I am very thankful. It is so nice to see familiar faces such as Bee, Sara, Minerva, Bev, Lisa and Don and others.

Like Bee, I switched to the Forums and mainly check “Discussions” every day. That section is very active and that is where I get most of my information regarding Etsy changes, etc.

I guess the purpose of this long-drawn-out post is actually to say hello and tell you it is so nice to see you again! Best wishes to all.

P.S. I may be dead wrong, but I have the impression that the only purpose of some of the shops that ask for help (those that are absent after they post, or do not implement even one of the suggestions received) is to draw visitors to their shop.

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