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Subtle ways to ask for feedback?

Okay, so I've actually managed to get a couple of sales since I've joined etsy on my own shop.

I've been wondering how to ask for feedback without being overly aggressive about it. I've noticed many customer who buy my items that they usually don't have any feedback so it leads me to believe they are "newbies" which leads me to wonder if they don't WANT to leave feedback or if they just don't KNOW how to find the feedback option.

On eBay, it's constantly reminding you that you need to leave feedback, and there's a lot of ways to get to the feedback link. However, on etsy there is only one way and as a new person you probably wouldn't find it too easily and iit's just too much extra work for a small purchase to try to research it.

I've thought about including instructions, but I'm not sure if that's too straight forward. I honestly love hearing what people have to say about my work and their purchase, even if it was through a conversation, I'm just not sure how to encourage it.

Any tips? :/

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10 Replies
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Re: Subtle ways to ask for feedback?

I just recently put a little note in the "Message to Buyers" section saying, "Please be ever so kind and leave feedback!" Haha, hopefully it'll help.
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Re: Subtle ways to ask for feedback?

My receipt has a note that I will leave positive feedback after delivery and would appreciate them doing the same. Some do, some don't. It's always exciting to see my feedback number increase.
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Re: Subtle ways to ask for feedback?

I have been toying with the idea of putting a note on their receipt along with instructions on how to leave feedback because Etsy doesn't make it easy to find the link for it. Just afraid it might turn of f some buyers.
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Re: Subtle ways to ask for feedback?

Im just straight forward in my communication with my buyers and ask that they remember to leave feedback...
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Conversation Maker

Re: Subtle ways to ask for feedback?

I think it is a mistake to ask for feedback, people who want to leave it will. I usually don't leave feedback when I am less than enthusiastic about something I've bought.
The only time I have ever left negative feedback (this was on Ebay not here) was when I was bugged for feedback. I would have let it go but instead left the negative they deserved.
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Re: Subtle ways to ask for feedback?

Yea, a note in the receipt could work, but by the time they get the item I feel like it might have been too long since even if it's only a couple of days :/

Plus I feel like "receipts" have a tendency to get ignored
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Re: Subtle ways to ask for feedback?

I just straight up ask. I do a follow up message after I see that the shipping tracking number says that it has been received. I ask to make sure they received their package (even though it already says they have) and then ask to leave a review on their experience.
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Re: Subtle ways to ask for feedback?

I just let it go. I haven't made a sale from this shop yet (I reopened two weeks ago after closing for over two years) but my other shop has had over 20 sales. Most of the buyers are brand new on Etsy and probably don't even realize there's a feedback system. I don't chase them down. I've gained most of my feedback from buying on Etsy. I also mention in my profile that I've sold on Ebay for over 10 years and that my feedback there is 100%.
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Registered Buyer

Re: Subtle ways to ask for feedback?

Any message that goes to a buyer after they buy something from me has a reminder about feedback. In the message to buyer, in the shipping notification, and if they buy a pattern I have a short reminder in the email I send with the PDF in it. Some think I'm pressuring them, but I feel most Etsy buyers just don't know it exists. I don't tell them to put good things, I just tell them to state the truth. And if they don't want to leave feedback, they don't have to. Once I started putting the reminders in the shipping notification and pattern emails I started actually getting feedback for my sales.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Subtle ways to ask for feedback?

I used to include a reminder about leaving feedback with my note I include with every shipment. It didn't bump my feedback numbers so I stopped doing it. I didn't want to seem too pushy and if I end up getting feedback, great!
There are a lot of buyers that don't leave feedback at all, regardless of their level of satisfaction. I get pretty excited when I see my feedback numbers go up though! :)
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