How much weight is put into reviews? I received a negative review from a customer that was a mess,at first review, no star, she said she couldn't get in touch of me or Etsy. I then contacted her and turns out she was confused as to how to contact me, she had found the same item on that other site and with free shipping, so after 3 weeks she wanted (and I gave her) a full refund. She changed the review but, still left me 3 Stars. Then I got another review shortly after of 4 Stars, I tried to contact them to see what they were unhappy about and what I could do to make their experience 5 Star, I never heard back from them.
So now, I was averaging at least 12 sales a month and last October was a good month for me but, I haven't had a sale since September 26th. I've been listing items, using Promoting Ads, Team Treasuries, Twitter and Pinterest, cleaning up titles, tags and pictures to no avail. My views are up, stats are good. The only thing different are those 2 less than perfect reviews.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.