Inspiration Seeker

Shop Views

Hi everybody and Happy New Year.
I just opened my shop about a month ago and was curious to see what is considered a "good day" as far as your shop views.. I'd love if you share your experience.
Thanks :)
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8 Replies
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Re: Shop Views

An increase in shop views doesn't neccesarily correspond to an increase in sales. To me, a good day is a day I get sales. My daily shop views typically range from 50 to 200+ depending on the time of year. But I can have a day with very few views and lots of sales or tons of views, but no sales.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Shop Views

I agree with Annie. I've had many days when the stats showed a crazy levels of views and favorites but sales didn't follow. Some of my most viewed items don't sell very well. And I have one item that has 3500+ views and around 100 favorites that has only sold twice in the last year.

Judge success by net profit.
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Re: Shop Views

Some days I can't even reconcile my stats. I don't know what these extra views under 'Etsy' are. And these are not from Etsy App when you can't see the country. These extra views I get seem to be from the US, yet sales have dropped from that country. I've noticed this trend since Nov '15. That's around the time Etsy decided that UK-based shops should be found more by UK-based viewers.

I don't think the views are accurate. I have a look to see what's happening but I don't pay too much attention anymore. If I have a sale, I'll know soon enough :)
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Re: Shop Views

I used to think views were really important, but starting to think maybe now not so much. On days where I've had multiple sales, I've had very little views also. I've only had my shop since Feb. of last year, and all the research I've done says work on views, views views. Working on getting more views is a time eater, and I was starting to spend more time doing that, and stressing about what else I could do to boost views than making items for my shop. I have been wondering if timing somehow plays into it. I've noticed that if I posted on certain days/times of day, I seem to get more views.. (I dunno, just brainstorming) So for now I visit teams, and the forums when I have something new to post, something renewed, or haven't been on in a couple of days. I joined Etsy to enjoy selling some of my Items, not stress out about views. Tough not to stress when those views are low though.. I get it.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Shop Views

Thanks for the insight. I had my shop only for a month, but I did notice one item getting lot of views, but another with significantly less views actually sold more.??
so it's great to hear about all your experiences... Thanks again :)
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Re: Shop Views

And then there are days I get views from 3 or 4 particular countries all day. No other country.

Other days I get views from all sorts of countries...some I didn't even know they existed. That's just odd!
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Re: Shop Views

I consider a good day when have 150 - 180 views. Agree with what mentioned above, sales are something very different from views.
I consider success when having the right views to target customers.
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Re: Shop Views

I'm with you, Minerva! All of a sudden I started having views and sales from Europe and Canada again which I had not had for months! And if you notice, your daily sales are all from the same regions of the country; one day, it's all Southern states, one day all East Coast. My views are fluctuating WILDLY from day to day. My New Year's Resolution is to not pay attention and stress about views anymore and to focus more on producing a great product and different products. Those stats were stressing me out and taking me away from what I love the most and that is to create jewelry!
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