Shop Stats, why so low

I can't figure out why my shop stats have dropped to nearly half the views I had last year at this time. My sales, thankfully, are higher than last year, but the drop in views is a real concern.
I am very social media savvy, so those views are up, but most Etsy activity comes from Etsy.
Are others experiencing this? The article on improving stats is no help because it focuses on underperforming listings. It doesn't account for why my stats should have dropped so significantly. I have the same amount or more listings than last year.
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7 Replies

Re: Shop Stats, why so low

I'm don't have any clear answers for you. I do feel, however, that I must work "harder" each year on etsy. I'm constantly adding new items and renewing expired items - typically several/day, just to stay even with last year. ( I don't use social media...all of my sales come directly through etsy with a few possibly coming by way of pinterest.)

Your shop looks great, you have many items listed and you sell exquisite things! I would assume that things will pick up for the holiday season.

I'm not sure if it would make much difference, but have you considered offering items with a holiday flair? Might you add a little red Santa hat on some of your animals or tie red bows around their necks? Maybe you could make some or your little animals into ornaments?

All the best!
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Re: Shop Stats, why so low

Thanks Kelly, yes, I renew and add all the time too. At this point I'm not too concerned about sales, as I have plenty of orders. I'm just concerned about long term with this mysterious drop in view.
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Re: Shop Stats, why so low

My views seem to be getting better but my orders are down... obviously I would like it to be opposite : )
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Not applicable

Re: Shop Stats, why so low

When was the last time you looked at your titles, tags, and description in terms of SEO? I find that over time, my listings need to be updated with fresh keywords, and re-arranged titles to remain relevant. Over time, other shops list new items, which can push your items further back. Without updating them (not renewing, though that can help), your shop just keeps getting pushed back.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Shop Stats, why so low

What social media platforms are you on? I know Facebook has gotten increasingly harder to promote on unless if you start paying for ads, and with that that doesn't always translate into clicks through to your store (I've tried this with my store and another fb page I was in charge of several times, always a bust).

I'm personally promoting mostly through instagram and twitter. I get a lot of activity through instagram, and i do get better click throughs and interactions on twitter than on FB.

But like heather above me stated, try playing with your SEO a bit and see if that helps. I know in the past when I did my views would go up a bit. Worth giving it a try.
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Re: Shop Stats, why so low

I am experiencing the same thing. Crazy! Yet some days it's "back to normal". Like someone turns my shop on and off. I think Etsy has done something with Search; a lot of the Forum discussions are about this. I hope they figure it out soon!!
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Re: Shop Stats, why so low

Thanks Kandi, I'll look at SEO, and see what happens, although not sure how my titles or tags could be improved.

Nikki, I am on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. I get most of my sm referrals from Pinterest. I have a lot of activity on FB and more than 2,000 followers.
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