Please! Help me with Pinterest error, Pinterest doesn't help!

Two weeks ago, I suddenly started to get an error message when I tried to pin. I could not figure out what the story was and everything I tried to pin gave me the same message that says:
forbidden (403)
CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.

I have no idea what this means. I can pin my entire shop, my home page but not an individual listing. And I know why because I can see the problem. When I go to pin a new listing, the numbers that appear under the item I want to list is much greater that the items already there. New items say 1275 X 1276 while everything already pinned (before this problem) says 108 x 135. I don't know what this is about and Pinterest keeps sending me auto replies but no help. Does anyone here know what I can do? Pinterest ranks high on my stats as a traffic source and I am gonna lose that source if I can't fix this. I am appalled that no one at Pinterest is looking to help in spite of my persistence but I am not going to cut off my nose to spite my face, I need to be able to pin.

Thank you, thank you, whoever it is who comes to my rescue.

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Re: Please! Help me with Pinterest error, Pinterest doesn't help!

Have you tried clearing your cookies and cache?
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