Photography question?

Hi everyone

I have a question regarding the photographs that I have taken for my Etsy Shop:

It has occurred to me that when people see the whole of my photos in my Etsy shop just as the photos in the above link they are seeing cropped images of my work and they may not look as favourable as when they click on an individual item such as this notebook (you will have to click on link to be able to see full image):

I have just looked at someone else's shop from a Treasury and the group photos on their main site don't appear as cropped as mine do and therefore the items look better. Is there an optimum size of photo that enables you to do this? Also does any further tips on photographing my work? For instance would they look better photographed a bit further away and then I might not get the cropping issues in the group shop photos?

Thank you

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3 Replies
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Re: Photography question?

I crop my images to 4 by 6 before uploading them but tons of people also use 8 by 10. With those measurements you'll lose a little off the top and bottom---if at all.

I would also suggest raising the brightness and contrast so your cute pics aren't as dark.

Good luck, Jacqui! Cool name spelling by the way.
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Re: Photography question?

Hi Brittany
Thank you for your quick answer. I take it that the measurements you are using are inches rather than cms?
I think my photos are more square with the measurements than yours - so it would probably make more sense to make them more like rectangles.

Yes I think that some of them could be a little dark. Thank you for saying they are cute.

I have been spelling my name like that since I was a teenager - probably to try and be be a little cooler and different :-)

Thank you

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Re: Photography question?

Hi Jacqui,

I had the same problem and starting cropping mine to squares. It seemed to help.

Good luck.
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