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New Shop & Looking for Advice!

Hi All! I've only been open less than week and am still stocking my shelves and 'd love to hear some critiques about what I could do better!

Side note: I need to come up with something for my about section :)

Don't go easy on me.

Thanks in advance!
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3 Replies
Crafty Poster

Re: New Shop & Looking for Advice!

At less than a week into your shop, it seems a little premature to start critiquing. My advice would be to read a lot about tags and titles in the Seller Handbook (

Also read any threads you can find about being relevant in Etsy / Google searches. Try the team Etsy Relevancy SEO and Stats. Specifically their thread about "Etsy Relevancy Search Explained, Revised & Expanded!"
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Re: New Shop & Looking for Advice!

Hi Aron! Such cute stuff! The little light bulbs are so interesting!

I agree with Bee. I poured over the forums any chance I could to research...& still do!

Here are some tips that I received over the past few weeks as a newbie myself that have seemed to be successful for me!:
-Try to eliminate your one word tags as those will pull up so many results that you will get lost in the search!
-Use multiple word tags & match them as closely as you can with your titles! I did this and saw an almost immediate response in the number of searches I was found in.
-Try to fill up your title with as many phrases that can differently describe your product as you can.
-Make sure you are promoting off of Etsy by using social media or even word of mouth!

Your pictures look lovely. The few descriptions I browsed through seemed detailed! The only thing that put me off was you stating "The Kind House is NOT responsible for any damage to personal property as a result of using our products.".....I would be hesitant to buy, wondering what possible damage a little tag could possibly do... :) Perhaps you could rephrase or clarify?

Love your banner by the way!
Here's to wishing you much success! :)
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Re: New Shop & Looking for Advice!

Thank you so so much! I will be sure to apply all your advice!!
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