I opened my shop last Monday, so just over 1 week ago. I read a lot before I opened my shop and in the last week have been editing my listings to make them SEO for Etsy as possible. I have has 7 sales since opening which is much better than expected but these are ALL from people I know. So people who just find my stuff are not buying. I know that patience is important with an Etsy shop but I am worried that I missing something or doing things incorrectly. I have had 357 visits since I opened but the majority of that figure has come from social media and direct, not from being found on Etsy.
Link to shop :
https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/abaglessordinary?ref=l2-shopheader-nameSome things I think I can improve on:
- making sure every product is photographed on/ being held by someone
- I need to get reviews from the people who have bought
- make sure I update my shipping so I include all countries
-list more products
- add more unique products
I have read conflicting advice on whether to include your title keywords in the product description so have got a mix of descriptions that have it and some that don't.
I feel like I'm going a bit mad so any advice would be greatly appreciated.