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Looking For Some Assistance

I opened my shop in the beginning of July 2015. I reached out for feedback in another team and received an enormous amount of support and assistance in how to improve my store. I have made many adjustments cleaning things up and being more consistent but I still have not had a sale. Currently I'm running promoted listings and have had 1,317 impressions with only 2 clicks.
Other than my store being low on products (which I am working hard on filling it up) can anyone provide me some brutally honest feedback on whether this shop can be successful?
As long as I can get my presentation to be good, I think sales will follow. So what am I missing?

Thanks in advance for any assistance!
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3 Replies
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Re: Looking For Some Assistance

I'm in a similar situation. Reopened in June and have had 12 sales. Four of those 12 sales came AFTER I quit paying for promoted listings, because I had not had a single sale as a result of them.

I think your jewelry is really cute. What I keep trying to do is get more followers, get more views, get more favorites and add lots more product even if you list some of the same items twice with different pictures. I think having 50+ or 100+ items helps. I hot 50 last week and am working towards 100 :)
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Re: Looking For Some Assistance

Thank you for the comments, Stacy. I am strongly considering turning off the promoted listing because I am not seeing any benefit from it in two months worth of using it.

By the way, your paper flowers are absolutely stunning!
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Re: Looking For Some Assistance

Thank you Ashley.... I have so far not regretted turning off the promoted listings. I posted another thread about using Google AdWords but I'm not sure about it yet. Just need more traffic!

Good luck :)
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