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I'm so devastated! What would you do?

Hi Everyone,

I've always prided myself in offering top quality items, and recently added an item that sold like crazy, my Graduation Cap Card Box. It was originally a single listing for a custom request, and the customer loved it so much I decided to list it as a regular item. It was so popular that I wasn't able to keep up with the orders and I'm still trying to fill them.

The problem is that I'm getting VERY mixed reviews on it. With the exception of a few past hiccups, my reviews were always 5 stars, until now...Everyone keeps saying they're super cute, but it seems they're either arriving crushed from the post office, or the customers are saying they're too flimsy or too small. I tried to be as descriptive as possible but that didn't help. So tonight I've been issuing a ton of refunds as I'm unable to accommodate for a larger size box.

My dilemma now is, I have about 35 outstanding orders that need to be filled, but do I go ahead and continue to make the boxes, or contact each and every customer to explain what's happened so far to see if they want to proceed? I don't want to scare my customers away! Thanks in advance for your advice. I'm in tears over here over the bad reviews so far :(

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19 Replies
Inspiration Seeker

Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

Hi, Cheryl, congratulations on a brilliant design and lots of sales.

Your shipping information lists shipping in 3 to 5 days. If you can't make the items in that time frame, get with the buyers right away and ask if they can wait for shipment or if they want a refund.

You have an enormous number of graduate boxes and sets of a dozen, etc. Reduce the number available in your listings immediately because if you don't you'll have buyers who will be disappointed.

Put something in your photos so buyers can see what size the boxes are (fill one with Hershey's kisses to show the size.)

Use the sturdiest paper you can find and pack extra carefully.

Good luck!

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Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

Hi Cheryl,
You might try using the sturdy FREE USPS Priority mail boxes as they are pretty stiff and charge your customers the priority mail rate on this item. These boxes come in just about any size you may need and you can order them and have them delivered right to your door.
Another thing that may help is using some heavy cardboard type tubing. Think of a heavy duty paper towel roll, but much thicker. Saran Wrap has a heavy roll underneath. Cut the roll to the depth of your box to place inside to keep the box from smashing in route to your customer. Pizza parlors often use tiny plastic cups in the center of the pizza to keep the melted cheese from sticking to the box...similar idea.
I hope this makes sense and helps.
Blessings to you,
<3 Jewel
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Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

I would say fill the orders. Take the listing down for further orders if you are concerned. Send clients images of it before you send it. That way it ensures they know the size and condition it left in. You'd be surprised the effect that has on the customers attitude towards damage in transit.
Goes without saying always get pictures of damage. It will help you identify what is happening with your product. The info Jewel gave on shipping is great. Spend that extra money and time packaging if it is a recurring issue.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

As Tom Hank's character says in A League of Their Own "There's no crying in baseball."

To solve problems in you need to be calm and unemotional. You also need to be able to see the problem from the customer's side.

The best solution is to make the item much sturdier. Why? Because this solves two problems: customer perception of the product and damage in transit.

Figure out how long it will take you to re-engineer this item then send an email saying that you want to improve the product but that it will mean a small delay in shipping and if that is not acceptable that you'd be happy to give refunds. This puts the choice in the customers' hands where it should be and will give them - even those wanting a refund - the impression that you are doing the right thing.

Next, one of your photos should be with it next to something of familiar size. Even people who read the full description - and most don't - won't remember the dimensions but a picture, as the well worn saying goes, is worth a thousand words. Since one person thought it would be big enough to hold cards you might show it next to a graduation card.

Priority mail boxes won't help you because you are shipping by First Class Package but you can buy good quality boxes online for very low prices. I just bought 25 6x6x6 boxes for $6.50 including shipping. That's 26 cents each.

One last thing. The first lukewarm review of this product was a July 2015. If this was addressed at that point you would not have recent negative reviews. My hardest learned lesson in business is that fixing problems is the highest priority. Never wait. Never.

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Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

Thank you all so much for your input. You've all made some great points and suggestions.

People really love the smaller graduation favor boxes, it's actually the larger one that's no longer listed which is causing a problem. I'm doing as you've suggested, Richard, and will offer options for all outstanding orders, and plan on re-engineering it for next year's wave of graduation sales.

I would love to know where you're buying your boxes from! My smaller favors would fit perfectly in the 6x6x6 box. I've been getting them from Staples for $.59 each.

I was going to address the problem directly on the review, but received a suggestion to contact them directly to work out the problem, as once you post a reply to the review, it cannot be changed or removed. That seems like a bad suggestion to me. I don't know if I like the idea of not posting a reply, because it looks as though I'm just ignoring the problem.
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Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?


As to the reviews, if you want to reach out to customers who experienced challenges directly and let them know you'll be posting a response on XX date at which point their review becomes final that may solve some challenges. When you respond to a negative review then the customer cannot change their review, which I think is a good thing most of the time. However, I think you as the shop owner can delete your own response if a customer would like to change the review and that should open up that option again.

I agree that you do want to have a public response to the reviews. Sometimes really good customer service can come out of a challenging experience.
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Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

Cheryl, I almost never buy boxes. You could try the free Priority Mail boxes (order online) that measure 7 x 7 x 6.

These are not flat rate boxes, and postage depends on size and weight. Good luck!
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Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

If the main problem is that your item is getting damaged in shipping, you might focus your fix on the packaging - not on re-engineering your item. If you need to purchase 50 cent boxes, then increase the price by 50 cents.
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Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

I've managed to reach out to each customer to tell them my concerns and asked if they'd like to cancel and receive a full refund. I've also immediately refunded anyone who did receive them and were unhappy.

Some still want to move forward with their orders, and some still haven't responded. I'm starting to worry because I've already received a few 1 and 2 star reviews before realizing the issues, and now I'm down to 4 stars overall. Ughhh. Since I've reached out to them and some still do want the box, how do I handle it if they then turn around and give me a bad review after I've explicitly explained my concerns about the size?
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

Reach out again and if still no response, cancel the transactions with your sincere apologies.

For those who do want the item, modify the design with sturdier paper, send a photo of the item with Hershey's kisses in it, and ship in such a way it won't get crushed. If you can't do this, cancel the transaction with your sincere apologies.

If you can't do this without increasing the price of the item and/or the price of shipping, cancel the transaction with you sincere apologies. Relist with charges that reflect your new costs for materials.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

Hi Cheryl, there's some great advice here already and I would just add that if you've already given refunds to the people who were unhappy after receiving their box, you can then just cancel the whole transaction. That may help with your overall rating if everything to do with the order is removed, although I can't guarantee it 100% as I've never cancelled an order after it's been received :/
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Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

That's great advice from Wei. I'm pretty sure if you cancel the orders and give full refunds, they can't leave feedback/reviews.
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Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

Buyers can leave a review on cancelled orders but i *think* their window is just 48 hours.

I agree with the stronger card materials for the hats, pictures demonstrating size (the hershey sweets idea sounds workable) & stronger shipping boxes.

Good luck! :)
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Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

Hi guys, I'm new to this Team, and only been on Etsy like 6 months. So far I have enough views and likes, and followers and everyone compliment me on my shop, but unfortunately for all this time I only had 6 sales, and the last one was like month ago.

I don't know what happened or what I'm doing wrong, can anyone look through my shop, and tell me what's wrong?
Please Help!

Thanks, Olha V
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Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

I want to order one of your boxes. They are darling. I will leave you a good review to help bring your numbers back up. :) And I will give you feedback directly.

I believe that the reviews have changed and you can no longer leave a comment for all to see.
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Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

Hi Keri, thanks so much! I love all the support I'm finding with other Etsians :)

I seem to get great reviews on the small boxes, it was the larger ones which were supposed to hold cards that failed miserably!

I'm dealing with one other issue now and admittedly may have handled it wrong, so I'm open for yet more advice...

I sent out emails to all customers who ordered the larger box, fully explained the situation and canceled and refunded nearly every order that was already sent and also the ones that weren't fulfilled yet. Everyone was actually very nice and thanked me for my honesty.

However, there was one customer who still wanted me to send the box even after I voiced my concerns and told her it was too small and too flimsy. I did send it at her request (and against my better judgement), and now she's asking for a full refund and gave me a one star review, complaining about the very things I pointed out to her in the first place ;( I replied to her review and said that I found it disheartening, as I tried to offer a cancelation and refund for the very reasons she's now complaining about. I apologize for talking in circles now...

I really hoped that my initial actions were going to avoid any more bad reviews, and leave all my customers happy knowing that I was upfront and honest. I'm really letting this last review get to me, and I know that's wrong. As Richard mentioned earlier this week, there's no crying in baseball.
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Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

I can understand your frustration. If you would respond to her review with direct quotes from your notifification to her about refunding due to flimsiness or whatever you said...then also cut & paste her response that she wanted it will show her for the "crook" she really is. That really upsets me that she purposely turned down your offer of a refund and made you send it, then gave you a bad review.
I have steam pooring from both ears!
I'm so sorry this has happened to you.
Thanks for letting us all learn from this.
<3 Jewel
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Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

I think you should advise your customers on the problems you are having. They should understand.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: I'm so devastated! What would you do?

Ask Etsy to remove the one star review and send them the convos between you and the customer.
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