@Sandy Haskins; ok, so there is something about this May that decreases our traffic. I hope it'll pick up soon.
@Kristine Zanno; I know, it can get pretty frustrating. Your art is amazing! I love the modern abstract oil paintings. Do you use Deviantart? It's a great site to show off your art. My brother is a 3D game designer and he has been using it for years, he gets many commissions all the time.
@JoannaK; Oh, I know how you feel :). It takes some time to figure things out and grow into the Etsy Community. The best advice I can give you is to do research. Find similar shops with success and see what they do. I learned a lot from doing that.
About the social media part. Forget about Facebook. I've been using it a lot for years now, it was a very nice traffic source at first, but since Facebook blocks company pages (which affects the small companies the most) from reaching their fans I gave up. I have over 4000 fans on Facebook, but I can only reach 1% of them. Facebook wants you to pay for promotional posts to reach more. Unless you have 100.000 followers, getting traffic from Facebook is very hard. I understand the point of asking for money to promote your page to get more fans, but to pay promotions to reach your own, well deserved fans is pretty shitty. So don't waiste too much time there. I post a few things a day, but it doesn't do much. Twitter is the same thing.
I recommend to start using Pinterest! Wow, I have been getting a lot of traffic from there. I actually started using Pinterest for fun and inspiration, but it became one of my biggest traffic sources. I have over 9000 followers now and growing by the day. This is my page:
https://www.pinterest.com/luciafloresd/.I also recommend setting up a WANELO profile.