I see that everyone keeps talking about blogging, but I don't even really understand how to blog - help!!

Also, What is the best way to get people to my shop? I am open to constructive criticism.
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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

This is an interesting discussion. My blog is sort of "self-contained", I write about my biz mostly-NKHenry and the things that interest me . I am interested in writing about our people and things I find interesting as well and if i get followers then hey that's great, but the aim of my my blog is mostly to write about things i love, random thoughts etc.

I usually write quick little notes and then share them via Twitter and FB, it takes no time at all. I have found that the smartest thing to do is write a bunch of posts at one time when I'm in the mood and then stagger out the publishing of each post so that I don't need to actually write them every few days or so.

Hope this helps!

Check out my blog here:

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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

NKHenryEditions, I do the same thing! I'll write a bunch of posts and stagger them. Blogspot is really great when it comes to that. I find it's really easy to use.
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Registered Buyer

Re: How important is blogging for sales?

I've JUST started my own quilting blog this week, but I've blogged (successfully) in other industries for over a year now. At first I struggled with finding followers to, but I've found the best way to get people to follow your blog is to get out there and connect to blogs that you love! Not only will these people be likely to follow you back, but your activity on their blogs will expose you to their followers as well.

Also, don't forget to interconnect your Facebook, Twitter, and blog content. Use FB and Twitter for the short and sweet thoughts and news. For longer articles (progress on projects, discussions on techniques, etc.) use you blog, and then post a link on FB or Twitter as well. That way people can follow you in one forum, get all the info, and not be subject to duplicate postings

This whole discussion kind of reminds me of the article last week about effective Twitter use. If you're using your blog as another sales medium it probably won't take off - after all who wants to follow someone who's always shoving product down their throat? But if you use your blog as a forum to embrace the art of your craft - talking about the things that make you passionate, and connecting to people who feel the same, you're a lot more likely to find success.

Best of luck!
~ Paula
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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

I believe in blogging as a way of publicizing a small business but I can't find the inspiration to write about something that people will find interesting.
I didn't update my blog for weeks (or more) but my idea is to write posts that are going to be useful for myself, like the details of a solution I found to a sewing problem or about pattern making and so on.

I also believe that pictures are very appealing and explicative so no post should go without one ;)

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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

The best advice i ever read on blogging, was the fact that people INVEST THEIR TIME to read your posts.

When you think of all the gazillion blogs there are around, it's a wonder they find me at all LOL!!
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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

Lipstick Lillie... One of the best ways to get people to your shop is to do just what you have done... create a conversation.

Anyone who runs a blog should be using that facility to create a relationship with their readers that is educational, entertaining and/or enlightening.

Most people who start a blog get it wrong right from the start. What you should not be doing on your blog is trying to sell your products or services.

Your blog should be your own Virtual Private Network where people come to be sociable.
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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

I started a blog two years ago because I love writing. Having a blog has helped me find an amazing community of crafters with whom I am now very close, I have made wonderful friends, learnt lots of new things and specially be able to express myself through my writing.

I do get views to my shop through the blog regularly but I have found that my readers like my posts to be varied, ie. if one day I do a post about a piece of jewelry I have been working on the find it exciting, but if I write about my jewelry two or three days in a row views drop (the same applies to me, really I like blogs that surprise me and are varied).

This is my blog in case you want to check it out (it is written both in Spanish and in English)
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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

My main reasons for blogging are:

1. Building Trust - My blog shows that there is, in fact, an actual human behind the business, which is critical when you are asking people to buy something from you online.

2. Google - Continually adding new copy and header titles, and keywords helps you're Google rankings. I can remember exactly how it works, but I think you get indexed more often if there is fresh content on your site

3. Contests and Giveaways - I've been using my blog to host giveaways, and it's worked well. I could also use Facebook for this, but not everyone is on Facebook, and having a blog post to link to is helpful for sites that want to link to your Giveaway (which also builds links and helps your Google rankings)

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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

Lots of great idea. For me SimpleThymePrims hit it right where I needed it. She comments about posting something new on Etsy everyday and then having something to talk about in her blog... Great idea. I's a photographer and I strive to find scenes that connect. For instance, certain brids are designed to be living on the convergence of earth, water and sky. My goal is to find a blue crane and capture it doing what it was designed to do. Simple right? Not always. When I get that special shot, I can now post it on Etsy and blog... Now, all I need to do is find out how to blog...
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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

And, I should proof read before posting....
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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

What if your not a great writter like myself? Looking at great products is one thing, but writting clear and interesting stories is another. Someone sent me a grammar correction like I was in highschool lol.
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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

Dezign I feel exactly the same way. I have pretty much abandoned my blog altogether. I am starting to rethink the whole thing maybe come up with some themes use a lot of pics and just write a little?
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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

Thanks ETSY, this is very useful for me, because I'm just opening my ETSY
Shop and try to find out how to advertise on this marketplace.
I'm happy to read about Seller's Experiences as well in all the blogs.

Because actually I wanted to get off, but I would not give up so quickly....

So, I'll go ahead! And if someone is looking for
please let me know ;-)
or put me in your Favorite-List.

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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

I love everyone's response, as it can be overwhelming to jump in to every aspect of social media and what not! I try to think of blogging as a way to show people a preview of my process and what art and design and general things in this world inspire myself as an artist. I sometimes feel overwhelmed, but I think it's better to take a more relaxed approach and just spend time connecting with other bloggers via commenting on posts you like, and asking questions. Good luck everyone, here is my blog:

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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

This thread gave me a lot of answers to questions I had regarding Blogs. As far as grammar goes? Just run spell check and or grammar check before sending, that is a secret of many of bloggers I am sure!
I also enjoyed visiting blogs that were listed here. Thanks to all!
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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

I love blogging! I never thought I'd get into it, but I found myself sucked in!
It's a great way to showcase my new work and also that of other artists I like. I also get to open up about myself and give customers a more personal look at the person behind the crafts. I enjoy reading/commenting on other blogs, too. It's a great little community.
there are SOOO many blogs out there so I'm picky with who I follow. I make sure it's someone who updates often, is interesting or whose work I admire. I stay away from ones that I wouldn't read because they just fill up my reader and it doesn't scroll that far on my phone app ;)
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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

Thank you all for your tips and comments. Am about to start my own blog (once I've sorted my Etsy shop - working on the banner, and then .....!) It's already registered (weeks ago on Google, and I think it's called Cuddlies Calling!) but with a disabled husband to look after and crafting toys as well, blogging has definitely been an add-on! See ya - hopefully sometime soon!
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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

Am I to understand you need to have someones e-mail address before they can comment or advertise on your blog? Please let me know.
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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

"Am I to understand you need to have someones e-mail address before they can comment or advertise on your blog? Please let me know"

Someone shouldn't be able to advertise on your blog without your permission. (maybe I'm missing a previous post you're responding to)

you can comment on any blog that is public. Most will require you to login with an email or name/url, depending on the commenting platform they use.

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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

It looks like the majority of people here are using stand-alone blogs (gosh, Blogspot is popular!) What are everyone's thoughts on having a blog as a page of a website? Would you read a blog if it was part of a retail website?
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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

"Dezign24seven says

What if your not a great writter like myself? Looking at great products is one thing, but writting clear and interesting stories is another. Someone sent me a grammar correction like I was in highschool lol. "

* * *

Try Tumblr! Most people just upload a picture or two for each post, maybe with one or two comments.

I don't think people can rely too heavily on spelling and grammar checks. MWord tells me my grammar is incorrect when it's not surprisingly often, and insists I change it to something far too ridiculous. It's not wholly important to use proper grammar, just that you know how to use it and choose to use it in whichever way suits the situation best, or, at least, I think so.
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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

"deRebecca says

It looks like the majority of people here are using stand-alone blogs (gosh, Blogspot is popular!) What are everyone's thoughts on having a blog as a page of a website? Would you read a blog if it was part of a retail website?"

* * *

Depends on the blog. I find, since I use Blogspot, it's easier to follow people that use Blogspot. You'll find it difficult to get me to consistently read even a Wordpress blog because I just don't use Wordpress. So, if it's a blog for a website, I think, unless it's really popular, you might find it difficult.

You can always have a website and a Blogspot. I think there's an option to integrate your blog from Blogspot into your website? I thought there was.... I've never tried though....
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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

I think if you are making a serious and constant work on your shop, it would be nice to take a few photos of your workplace/studio once in a while, introducing new ideas and new items, or just simply make an entry about your mood or so. It should not be too personal, but it should be a bit more personal than just "everything is about business", because after all, having a blog is a way to become closer to your customers, and also to share tips and advice with other sellers so that you have an on-going network. but you gotta have time to update your blog constantly though, because if you leave it for too long, people will not check on it as often. I don't really have much time to write blogs, and it's not my strength, so I do not have one. But as a buyer, I certainly prefer to know a bit about the person making the products, how the items are made (just dont spill all of your secrets :P), and maybe their meaning or the reasons that lead you to make the items would be nice as well.

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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

Thanks for all the amazing advice. I LOVE Etsy folks because I'm not the only one who didn't understand the importance of blogging. Below is my NEWLY written blog link. It's not much, but it's a start. Be nice with the comments please LOL

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Re: How important is blogging for sales?

I find that it easier to keep in touch with others in our community through blogs. I find it more personal. You can also share what ur doing outside of posting items in you shop. Like new items in the works and such.

I'm at
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