Do you have a ritual for finding new inspirations that brings fresh ideas and creativity to your work?
I've been finding as I head into the spring show season that I need to get some new things going, so...
I moved my studio and re-organised the layout so that I have an incredible view...stocked up on wonderful scented wax tarts (any excuse for a trip to Yankee Candle!!) . I am very sensual - using all of my senses to find my creative center when I work. I've changed up my music and written new inspirational phrases and words of creativity and inspiration on my white board.
I've been looking at new supplies that are available through various sources and sketching like crazy. I feel like I'm on my way to a fantastic new spring line!!!
I think it's helpful to look around at other sellers to see what they're doing and how that could apply to your product.
Several years ago I was at a craft show and someone made some coasters out of felt or something and it was like a light bulb went off: I can make coasters from Scrabbles! Those are now my best seller.
Even when I'm at Target or out shopping I look at the products out there and try to think of what I can do that would fit into my little niche.
Inspiration can come from anywhere, so difficult to say. My newfoundland girl is definitely a source of inspiration though. She makes sure we go out for a walk and find time to play in all the multitasking in running a business from home.
A trip out with my camera for reference photos or a good old fashion window shopping therapy are my secret weapons to overcome a creativity block.
The best place for a great inspiration - the shower! My best paintings have popped into my head while hanging out in a warm shower. Probably because it's one of the few quiet places in the house : - )
I love looking at catalogs like Pottery Barn for inspiration when it comes to my pillow covers and both celebs and the average person on the street to include my younger and much more hip sisters (sad but true since I'm now a 30-year old mom with kids) when it comes to jewelry.
rbdesign - I LOVE your scrabble coasters! veerrryyyy cool!
sibsstudio - the Shower??? really??? TOOOO FUNNY!!! That seems to be when I dream up my marketing strategies (maybe that's why my traffic has slowed lately LOL)
I love pottery barn, ALY but never seem to be able to afford their stuff AND I typically buy handmade! I'm off to take a look at your shop .
Nature, animals, quiet time away from the world...I'm sensing a theme here! I love seeing where everyone's inspiration comes from! Anyone else???
Usually ideas just pop into my head but sometimes I come up with good ideas while I nurse my babe to sleep! must be the quiet time and nothing else to do in the dark but think! Problem is then I want to jump up and go try it but can't cause babe isn't ready to be laid down yet!
I like to go somewhere I have never been before. It does not have to be far, just new. I think the stimulation of all of the new objects gets me going.
I also like to animate, then I get inspiration for art.
I think organizing your space in a pleasing way really helps. I notice that when my space is cluttered, I do not get work done as easily. I recently bought a really neat tall shelf to put my supplies on next to my workspace and dressed it up with my herb plants growing on top. I loooove it! :)
I energize by doing something counterintuitive. I stop trying to create and instead do something else that I love and enjoy. I go to the beach, read a book, watch some of my favorite television shows, go go the library, or drink a beer with my Grandfather. And I always remember to bring a notebook with me.
You'd be amazed by how many great ideas you'll get while doing other things! I was inspired to make my Geode Soaps after watching Breaking Bad - it made me think about the Southwest and how I missed New Mexico, and then, *bam* there was the idea and I was back to work.
Good luck everyone! You all have such unique, creative shops!
I really reading enjoyed how everybody gets inspired. As of me, I stare at everything crochet I see and have to fight the temptation to keep looking back , lol! A new texture, new shape, new color combo anything could be an inspiration. Sadly I have more ideas than I can fit into my 24 hours day.
I wish I had time to really focus. It's so hard with a full time job when I would rather be creating.....some days I just sit down at my bench and let things happen!
I am getting the hang of keeping inspired by going out to our local coffee shop meeting new creative people.
Other times i get away from my computer and my camera and sit down in my easy chair and write down all the things I am thankful for. Giving thanks to my talents and the things I have gives me peace, stability and creativity.
Another thing I do is, put my head phones on with my MP3 player and listen to positive programing phrases for being creative and attracting what I want. I use it while I am working too. You could easily make one personalized for yourself.
When my husband and I hit a "slump", we find that listening to podcasts from Dan Miller, reading Seth Godin or Chris Gillebeau really helps. They're not so much about creativity, but they inspire us about life, marketing, business, etc... being really excited about those things spurs discussion, opens up a lot of brainstorming, and gives energy to push through the slump.
Honestly it is a sale that gets me going the most. Hard to get better inspiration. That being said, I find the doing of things will get me inspired. So if I make a few pieces (I have masks that I "mass" produce) then new ideas tend to flow in. So for me I force it first and then it comes naturally.
I've always heard it stimulates the brain to do some of your routine tasks differently. ie; if you're a coffee drinker...........start your morning with a pot of tea. If you drive to the post office on a certain road......go the other way. Anything that you can do often as you can, change it up. Seems silly on the surface, but it does make your brain think, instead of just zoning out during routine tasks.
For me any little thing could be an amazing inspiration: an ant, a child, a dragonfly, horses, one sentence, Gatsby- like outfit, an old marketplace, a mid-century furniture, a painting, the touch of fabrics, faces ... 💙