I have a potential buyer for a personalized custom order that has been postponing her purchase, and I'm afraid she is going to wait until it's too late for me to get it done in time to meet her deadline.
We have been communicating through Facebook & I have tried to get her to move the conversation over to Etsy, so that I will have all the information I need in one place when she does place her order. So that's my first quandry, since I can't contact her through Etsy - she has to contact me.
When she first contacted me (July 28) and asked if I could have this order ready by Oct 4th, I said that we had plenty of time. We continued to communicate back and forth. I sent a sample & she said she loved it and was going to place her order. We had a few more conversations, then when I didn't hear anything else, I just assumed she had changed her mind. I hate a pushy salesman, so I try not to be one, and I left it alone.
She contacted me again last Sunday (Aug. 11) to say that she was still interested. I tried to tactfully tell her that I would really need her to make her purchase within the next 2 weeks to ensure I could get her order done in time & she said she would try to order that day - she didn't.
I don't really want to go to the expense or time of starting on the order until she makes the purchase. At this point, it really doesn't matter if she buys or not, I just want make sure I have plenty of time to produce the order if she does, since I told her that I could do it by her deadline.
Do any of you have experience in a situation like this & what did you do?
I'm wondering if I should contact her again if the 2 weeks go by and she still hasn't ordered -- not to be pushy, but as a courtesy??