Hand Sensitivity makes me unable to create product

My shop is primarily crochet, which creates an issue for me. As of recently, whenever my hands get wet from hand washing, washing dishes, or bathing, etc, my skin becomes extremely sensitive to the point where if I touch anything that isn't a flawlessly smooth surface, the fibers make me shudder.
I know this isn't exactly business related, but I haven't been able to work on product for a month, and it concerns me. Any tips?
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10 Replies
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Re: Hand Sensitivity makes me unable to create product

start designing patterns, is my advice

or maybe use a fiber that is much much smoother for a while? Something without fuzz, maybe rayon or bamboo or something? (I am not a yarn person)
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Hand Sensitivity makes me unable to create product

Try the crafting gloves to see if they help.
Take a break for a bit to let your hands get back to normal.
See a doctor to make sure it isn't anything serious.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Hand Sensitivity makes me unable to create product

I have carpel tunnel in my right hand (which is also my primary hand) as well as having arthritis in my thumb on my right hand. Yay double wammie!

What I do is give to give my hands breaks when they start to hurt. They also have crafting gloves, which help a little for me. I also picked up a hand brace which has helped. But its hard to wear that while knitting. So whenever my hand hurts, i through that on. Than I use the crafter gloves while knitting.

And go to the doctor. You'll want to get that checked out.
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Re: Hand Sensitivity makes me unable to create product

See, the thing is, it is weird. It is not any sort of joint or muscle pain/stiffness. Its literally my skin freaking out when it is touched, and it only happens when they come in contact with moisture (or when they are the most clean due to washing, even in plain water). I have tried lotion, which was suggested by a crocheting friend, but that kindof just made it worse (more moisture, I guess).
Also, its only the underside of my hand and my fingertips. The non-palm side is fine. This makes me wonder if I need to toughen up my hands, but if that's the case, why did this start?!?!?!?!?
I do plan on calling my doctor, but considering I have no transportation at the moment, I may not be able to actually go see him. I just want to hold it off until I know I cant solve the problem without running to a doctor
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Hand Sensitivity makes me unable to create product

You might want to still see him. You might be having some type of circulation issue, which is making your skin so sensitive. If moisture is bothering you, that might be a not good sign. Try finding a doctor thats closer to you so you can go.
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Re: Hand Sensitivity makes me unable to create product

Have you tried to wear gloves when doing the dishes? You can also try hand sanitizer instead of washing your hands for a while and showering before bed instead of in the morning so that you don't have to work with your hands after they've been wet. Just for a few days to see how that affects your skin. You could be allergic to something in your tap water. Definitely see your doctor, but in the meantime, just try to limit exposing your skin to water.
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Re: Hand Sensitivity makes me unable to create product

Following what QuietUnrest said, would it be a good idea to try washing your hands with a different soap, maybe just plain, without perfumes, etc. (hypoallergenic?), and use store-bought bottled water, maybe distilled? If you would try this for a while and your hands are still doing the same, I would do whatever is necessary to get to a doctor.

Once I had a rash on my skin around my knees and thighs. I decided to see a dermatologist. My mother-in-law suggested I change the detergent I used to wash my clothes. I had been using this detergent for a long, long time. I changed it and the rash disappeared instantly.

Good luck to you.
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Not applicable

Re: Hand Sensitivity makes me unable to create product

I have the same problem! My fingers, especially where the yarn touches most often, get dry and cracked to the point of small fissures that are extremely painful with some fibers of yarn.

Crafting gloves are a good suggestion for now. They will be hard to get used to, if you're like me and rely on feeling the stitches and yarn. Also, try wearing gloves when cleaning, especially if using chemical cleaners.

For the small cracks and splits, I put raw honey on them at night, covered with bandages. Often, the tiny ones are gone by morning and the larger ones are healed within a day or two. I also put pure lanolin (found in the baby aisle with the breastfeeding items) or shea butter or even break open a vitamin e capsule on my hands after using water for anything (cleaning, bathing, etc.) It takes a while to soak in, so don't plan to crochet right after applying.

Finally, check to see if you're allergic to certain fibers. I've read in some of my Facebook crochet groups that some people have reactions to some yarns, particularly wool.

Good luck! I cannot imagine not being able to crochet for an entire month!
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Re: Hand Sensitivity makes me unable to create product

I have been having some dry irritated skin problem on my one hand for several months. Having hands in water would aggravate it. I wear gloves when can, and tried endless creams for eczema. One thing that helped me a lot was a cream called O'Keefe's Working Hands which Walmart sells. Must be the combo of ingredients. It is a round green flat jar, sold on a card. Some beeswax creams I have found in Etsy shops also help.
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Re: Hand Sensitivity makes me unable to create product

From what you describe, it sounds like this is not a skin dryness or allergy issue (which would be easily fixed with lotion or gloves) but more of a sensation issue that has to do with your nerves or circulation (which is not something we can help you with). As a nurse I can tell you these symptoms are not normal and as the others have said, it's time to see the doctor.
Whenever I have a weird symptom I end up googling it and freak myself out. Try not to do that ;) best wishes, L
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