I have the same problem! My fingers, especially where the yarn touches most often, get dry and cracked to the point of small fissures that are extremely painful with some fibers of yarn.
Crafting gloves are a good suggestion for now. They will be hard to get used to, if you're like me and rely on feeling the stitches and yarn. Also, try wearing gloves when cleaning, especially if using chemical cleaners.
For the small cracks and splits, I put raw honey on them at night, covered with bandages. Often, the tiny ones are gone by morning and the larger ones are healed within a day or two. I also put pure lanolin (found in the baby aisle with the breastfeeding items) or shea butter or even break open a vitamin e capsule on my hands after using water for anything (cleaning, bathing, etc.) It takes a while to soak in, so don't plan to crochet right after applying.
Finally, check to see if you're allergic to certain fibers. I've read in some of my Facebook crochet groups that some people have reactions to some yarns, particularly wool.
Good luck! I cannot imagine not being able to crochet for an entire month!