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Favors dropped (once again) from the Weddings Browse section

Hi all,

Once again, Favors have been dropped from the Weddings Browse section. This is a big deal for me since that's what I make and because the majority of my views come from the Favors heading in the Weddings browse section.

Please help me voice my displeasure. The wedding favor browse section was literally the vehicle around which I built my business plan. And now it's just gone!

So frustrating. Any suggestions as to the best way to communicate my dismay?
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3 Replies
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Re: Favors dropped (once again) from the Weddings Browse section

Hi Elke,

That's crazy! Maybe it's a glitch. Have you tried contacting Etsy admin or calling the help line? Surely it would be to Etsy's advantage to fix this.

Good luck,
Sandi Walker
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Re: Favors dropped (once again) from the Weddings Browse section

Hi Elke,

I just faved in your cute shop!

You have lovely wedding favor items and maybe can they go under a different category like Wedding decorations?

I am frustrated by the fact that there is no way listed on here to get ahold of anyone from Etsy and if you happen to find an Etsy Admin. and convo them you get an answer a long time later and it never really addresses your specific question or issue, just directs you to the Etsy handbook or something.

I want an icon at top of my shop to easily get into my own shop! Seems simple and makes sense!

I also want to know what Etsy is doing to advertise or help all the shops get seen in a fair way? Why we cannot sell every day on here like a normal business would?

Also, why some shops are being all of a sudden closed , some while on vacation! ?

Any info. on how to get someone from Etsy to answer?


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Registered Buyer

Re: Favors dropped (once again) from the Weddings Browse section

Thanks Sandi and Pam, for your responses. So many things that could be improved and so many "improvements" that would be better left alone. I did locate a convo path to admin through "help" at the bottom of a page. and sent them a note re: my favors concern. Will advise...

I do know one thing: If you want more views about the only way to do it is to relist items...a lot! 3 to 5 items every hour. It costs about $120 a week but it does facilitate your listings getting views.\

Thanks for your input,

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