thanks for all the support! Hi, BeaG @WilliamsGiftShop! I didn't even know about inhaler holders until someone asked me to modify the lip balm holders ... no intention to infringe on your turf - she bough ## offline to give as gifts with donation, swag bag items, etc for local CF events.
My accuser, it turns out, had stumbled upon my blogpost and left an identical message there (but I have to approve comments before they show, so the person contacted me directly on Etsy via links in the blog). Upon further investigation, they decided that it's "their problem" and the crafting community (aka, all of us?) has low integrity and will blatantly copy and steal from each other without remorse or penalty!
I didn't respond to the last message. Seems like they understand they can't appoint themselves as the "crafts copy-cat police. " Even Etsy's seller handbook regarding IP infringement states the complaint must come from the *owner* of the intellectual/copyright property in question.
Oh well. What a week! Hope you are all enjoying a great year here on Etsy! If I do step on any toes, feel free to contact me. I am easy to get along with (most times!) =)