Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

I received an interesting convo this morning from a user who *just created an account today* accusing me of stealing?! Non-specific. Doesn't reference which (if any) products I have allegedly stolen? Most all of my creations are from patterns I came up with on my own. I do not sell any patterns (not online or offline). Patterns I have used directly are credited in the item descriptions.

What should I be aware of (as my shop grows)?

Here is the convo:
"Why do you think it is okay to steal someone else's designs and sell them as your own? It's not okay in any other occupation or industry and it shouldn't be acceptable in the craft community. Show some respect and integrity and take down things you are stealing."

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25 Replies

Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

I took a peek into your shop, you have some very nice basic items. Things people have been crocheting for as long as I can remember. I can't see anything she'd be accusing you of stealing. Maybe she has you confused with another seller? Someone who has appropriated another design, or creates something similar to someone she knows. I honestly don't know.

When people create things they invest not just time but their heart and they sometimes forget others can have similar ideas. Sometime people do claim other peoples work as their own.

I tend to think discussion can get to the heart of the matter quicker than accusations. So don't be afraid to ask why they feel you have taken someone elses work and acknowledge similarities if there are any. Mostly keep doing what you are, give credit when due and be proud of the work you are doing.
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

Thanks, Dana. I do find it annoying that my accuser hides behind a pseudonym with no personal data (location, etc) and does not list specific products. Written patterns are copyrighted. I usually devise my own. From my research and understanding, finished items are not in violation if they do not contain copyrighted or trademarked material. As for stealing ideas, we all get inspiration from somewhere. Even the photos (cats) I've used have image credits. If there is truly a problem, I should expect to get a message from Etsy corporate.
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Crafty Poster

Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

If the person isn't even going to say which item(s) it is that they feel you've stolen the rights to, then I would just ignore the message. Depending on the day, I might respond and ask if there were any specific items they felt I didn't have rights to be making and then go from there.

Seems like they're just trying to make trouble. Unless you've purchased someone else's pattern and are now selling it as your own or selling items made from a pattern that says it is to be used for personal use only...I think you're A-OK.
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

It sounds like a generic 'spam' letter to me. I would report it to Etsy and pour a nice glass of wine...
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

I wouldn't worry too much about it. The crochet community can be very competitive and lots of folks try to take credit for items made using basic techniques. Stand by your original designs. As long as you've given credit where credit is due for patterns from other designers, then you have nothing to be concerned about.

As far as legalities are concerned, crochet stitches cannot be copyrighted. A designer can stop you from selling their pattern as your own but cannot stop you from selling the finished item unless specifically stated in the pattern.

Your items are cute and you seem to be doing well in sales. maybe its someone that sells similar items trying to mess with your head. The fact that they are not specific about which items they think you have "stolen" is suspicious.

Keep on doing what your doing. I wouldn't even engage them in conversation unless they contact you again.

Good Luck
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

thanks, y'all! (yes, Joanne, I will have a glass of wine.. thank you!) .. and they have replied with definition of "integrity" (again, no specifics). I sent a nicer reply:
" Let me try again:
Hi! Thank you for taking an interest in my shop. All my items are handmade by me, most from patterns I have designed myself. Any items made directly from another designer's pattern are credited as such in the listing descriptions.

If I baked pound cakes for sale, and you started baking pound cakes also to sale, are you copying me? Even if we are not using the exact same recipe (or even if we are)?"

Sigh. Is this how it is when you start making a name for yourself?
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Not applicable

Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

I make it a policy not to respond to email or letters that won't sign their name
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

This is a funny read for me, being the original designer of both the crochet keychain lip balm holders (since 2006) and the crochet keychain inhaler holders (since 2008).

You make pretty products!

Don't worry about people like that. Just ignore them.
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

It sounds spam to me. You could reply that vague accusations from unknown persons are not acceptable.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

If you get a third email from this shop, refer them to etsy admin. This is harassment!
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

Ditto to all of the above...expecially pouring a nice glass of wine!
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

Especially, I meant, and no I haven't been drinking :) -- just tired from flogging my wares a very long night market.
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

I agree with Bev.

You want to ignore them.
But if they keep sending you messages, report them to Etsy for harrasment.
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

I agree with the sounds like spam. It sounds like it may be someone with too much time on their hands contacting numerous sellers to have a laugh, like people who text random phone numbers for something to do and ask if you want to 'talk'. Ugh. I'd love to have their 'spare time'. It's annoying, but you handled it properly and very politely. If you ignore them now, they'll probably stop. If not, report it to Etsy, but I wouldn't answer them again.
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

thanks for all the support! Hi, BeaG @WilliamsGiftShop! I didn't even know about inhaler holders until someone asked me to modify the lip balm holders ... no intention to infringe on your turf - she bough ## offline to give as gifts with donation, swag bag items, etc for local CF events.

My accuser, it turns out, had stumbled upon my blogpost and left an identical message there (but I have to approve comments before they show, so the person contacted me directly on Etsy via links in the blog). Upon further investigation, they decided that it's "their problem" and the crafting community (aka, all of us?) has low integrity and will blatantly copy and steal from each other without remorse or penalty!

I didn't respond to the last message. Seems like they understand they can't appoint themselves as the "crafts copy-cat police. " Even Etsy's seller handbook regarding IP infringement states the complaint must come from the *owner* of the intellectual/copyright property in question.

Oh well. What a week! Hope you are all enjoying a great year here on Etsy! If I do step on any toes, feel free to contact me. I am easy to get along with (most times!) =)
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

No hard feelings, Heidi!
The market is big enough for both of us.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

Unless they contact you again I'd ignore it. They are trying to cause trouble and would be waste of your time and energy. Only reply if they respond again and report them as spam.
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

I liked your response "thank you for your interest in my shop"! That made me laugh. Kill em with kindness!
In the crafting world , as in the movie business, it's only a matter of time until someone comes up with a similar or same idea.
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

Thought I'd chime in on this thread although many sellers have already got your back on this. I agree with Lori just above "great minds think alike".

You're doing what you need to to be transparent when it comes to using patterns by other people. I agree with the others that you should ignore and/or report any further messages. In fact, telling this person politely, but firmly, to stop or you'll report it to Etsy is totally reasonable, too.
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

Hey Heidi,
Just ignore that hater! ;)
And perhaps report it, but I wouldn't even bother.

It's crochet. It's as handmade as it can get! (I love to crochet too)

And I read law modules, mainly because I got sick of people accusing each other of violating copyrights, etc in handmade community. So I wanted to know the exact law and rights. Anyhow, I have seen similar items as yours in other shops, but that does not mean you are violating anything. It is completely fine to get inspired by others, as long as you don't copy word for word, which in your case, you can't anyway.

And I like your comparison with the baking. Spot on! (:

Good luck. x

- Khin
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

Look at my piece to the side there <---- Can't copyright squares. Sometimes ideas simply overlap.
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Not applicable

Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

Maybe just ask her to what she is referring to. if she comes up up with something then at least you know and can defend, put straight or remove the article if that is the case.
if however she cant justify or elaborate on her accusation then in a polite manner ask her to mind her own.
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

I own the copyright to the only two groups of products that were copyrightable in the OP's shop (products that did not exist at all before I invented them: crochet keychain lip balm holders and crochet keychain inhaler holders).
All other products in her shop are not the kind that can be copyrighted.

So nobody else can hold a claim against her.
And I'm fine with her making those products.

So the only issue here is harrassment by some jealous competitor.
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Re: Convo accusing me of "stealing"?

The person who sent the convo is not even a crocheter nor Etsy shop owner. Just some random person who read my blog and was appalled that I jumped on the bandwagon for cat butt coasters. I didn't use a pattern directly, and mine look a little different than the others (notice how many different tails and feet there are in the 70+ listings). Nowhere have I claimed to have thought of it on my own.

Thanks, BeaG! Your products are beautiful! I envy your consistency. =)
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