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Can I has critique?

My shop has been open for a week now, and I'm not getting many views or sales. From what I can tell that's pretty normal for a new shop, so I try and keep plugging away at it anyways. But now I'm starting to run out of ideas, which is never a good thing. Help me please?
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17 Replies

Re: Can I has critique?

Hi Sara,

I just visited your shop. One thing you have going for you is that your item is UNIQUE! So cool! I never even knew these were out there!

I can make some suggestions: (Maybe several)
- you need more have tulips and could do one listing but offer other colors "made-to-order" ....add a color chart if you want or photos of the other options to save money on paying for multiple listings of the same item, when someone wants to order make a RESERVED listing
- work on your photos....crop out backgrounds that are distracting, show various ways to display the flowers....add some greenery in the vase but tell the buyer it is not included.
-work on your profile page....what inspired you to make these? how did you get started?
- work on your policy page....add information
- join teams
- post and answer other peoples posts on teams and forums
-help other Etsy sellers

During this down time of the summer months take time to improve your, profile, information....information...information.

Don't be discouraged...and say you love to sketch? Where are your sketches? I am certain there is a market for these on ETSY!!!

I am here if you need me. I just got my first two big sales today! My first was for only $ 2.00. Patience and persistence and help others to succeed is KEY!

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Re: Can I has critique?

Hi Sara! Are you on twitter, facebook, pinterest, wanelo? Just to name a few. I've been at this for about a month and have made 10 sales. I try to post on those four sites everytime I list something and/or at least once a day. Also, I've found that teams such as this one can help you alot - the members have so much information and share with us newbies and help us all the time! Oh and one more thing I noticed ... I didn't start making sales till I hit 40 items. The more items you have for sale, the better your chances of making a sale. Good luck!! =)
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Re: Can I has critique?

You can haz critique :) First and foremost, add more items! Your flowers are very cool, but people like a certain amount of choice. Adding more colors and different styles will give people who come to your shop more chances to find something they want to buy.

Also, work on your titles. Yours are much better than a lot of new sellers, but I think that you should change them up a bit and have some that are Paper Flower Bouquet..., Paper Tulip Bouquet...., etc.

Next, tags work best when they use multi word phrases than single words. Think of what someone looking for flowers like yours would type into the search bar and use those phrases. Red paper flowers, paper flower bouquet, paper tulips, tulip bouquet, red flower bouquet, etc. You also might want to change the category to paper goods or home decor for some of your listings.

Finally, have you considered making bridal bouquets? A lot of brides are opting for alternative bouquets these days so that could be a good market for you. Good luck!
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Re: Can I has critique?

I really like your items, but as you'll learn, etsy is much much more then posting great listings. I think a white background for your photos would look great. Also- you need to fill out your policies section, its very important, Make sure you add detail to every section, including your about section, it is the first thing people read after all(: Also, make a unique banner, that often adds a lot to a shop. Promoting on teams & other social networking sites is extremely beneficail. so is making a blog (or twitter..) following updates of your shop. othe rthen that, keep listing items and sales will come goodlcuk!
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Re: Can I has critique?

Thanks, guys! I'll add that stuff to my to-do list and get crackin'.

Don't be discouraged...and say you love to sketch? Where are your sketches? I am certain there is a market for these on ETSY!!!
Thanks, Cathy. :) I'm hoping to add in some more traditional art later on, once I feel confident enough in the quality. My sketches look good in the sketchbook, but it tends to take a lot for someone to buy wall art. That and well... I tend to get really attached to my drawings. I don't think I could take the disappointment in people not liking them enough to buy them.

My flowers are different -- I started making them as gifts, and I *know* people like them, so its much easier to take things like a slow week in stride. Once I have an idea of what I'm doing, then I'll start adding them in.

I've been at this for about a month and have made 10 sales.
Wow, that's really good! I keep on hearing that people wait months for their first sale, so your sales are quite impressive. Guess I should try overlooking my aversion of Facebook and giving that a try.

Finally, have you considered making bridal bouquets? A lot of brides are opting for alternative bouquets these days so that could be a good market for you. Good luck!
That's actually next on the list, once I finish the dozen I'm working on now. I'm hoping to make a nice big one with a cascade and some lilies.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Can I has critique?

are the photos of actual items you are offering for sale?
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Re: Can I has critique?

If you mean the tulips, then yes. If you mean other scenery in the pictures, no. Is that the sort of thing I should be more specific about in my descriptions?
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Re: Can I has critique?

add more stuff asap!!!!

imagine you walk into store and see empty shelves with 4 items on them. even though they are gorgeous, you just wouldn't feel like in a real store. same thing happens online.

make sure tags/titles include all possible keyword phrases, but mainly just keep adding stuff. it's too early to worry about facebooks etc when you have nothing to promote yet!

i noticed a huge difference in views when i got over 50 items.
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Re: Can I has critique?

Sara....I could not sleep last night just thinking of you and your shop. Seriously.....ETSY is getting to me!

Here is an idea that came to my head. Why not make your flowers to embellish a gift. Like a ribbon to wrap around a package and then your flower. I am sure you would get people to buy these.

I will try to find a pic of a unique bow my daughter got on a package. It may inspire you. Find other ways your flowers could be used. How about smaller versions glued in the corner of a cardstock folded table seating placecard?

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Re: Can I has critique?

Sara..Like everyone else you need more inventory, also I think these would be great for weddings so plug that.
The flowers are amazing and please keep on keeping on...
I did add you to my fav's and circle...

Good luck.
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Re: Can I has critique?

Hi Sara,
Like everyone has mentioned I'd work on increasing your inventory, complete your policies and I'd also add a banner to your shop.

The more product you have the more chances people have to discover your lovely items. Also you might want to title and tag some of your items differently so that they show up under different searches. (I would start by trying different searches in the search bar and those that start automatically showing write them down) You could title some Paper Flower Bouquet, Wedding Flower Bouquet, etc.

Good luck!
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Re: Can I has critique?

Here is an idea that came to my head. Why not make your flowers to embellish a gift. Like a ribbon to wrap around a package and then your flower. I am sure you would get people to buy these.
Now that I think about it, that's an excellent idea! I've already tried making regular bows from paper, so it shouldn't be much of a stretch -- and it would definitely take less time than an entire dozen. I'll have to look more into placards, though.

And thanks for all the encouragement, guys! It'll take me a while to fill up my shop, but it should be looking a bit better by the end of the month. Thank you so much for the help. :)
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Re: Can I has critique?

Wow what a neat concept! I would have KILLED for a paper bridal bouquet. There's just something about having more inventory - Etsy hasn't quantified it, but it's like the more items you have and more sales you have, the more "on the map" you become. Like the previous suggestions, even if it's made to order listings using photos from other listings.

I will also second a lighter/white background. For some reason, most people's eyes are drawn to lighter/bright colors - well, your flowers are fabulously bright! Maybe they just need a special background to make them pop. Even if it's just a plain construction paper background in a contrasting color.

Another thought - these could be sprayed with perfume, cologne, home spray, etc. So they would not only serve to look beautiful, but smell nice too. Maybe that's something you could mention in the description. "Ladies, spray these with your perfume and place them next to your honey's bedside so he'll dream of you at night!" or something like that.

Congratulations on your shop - today is my first day. Best of luck to you!
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Re: Can I has critique?

These are AWESOME! Very, VERY unique, and I think you've got some gold here! I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this to you previously, but after working on the photos, adding more items, etc, I'd work on some SEO. (Search Engine Optimization) (That's what started my stats rising)

Basically, it's how to label your stuff so that people can easily find it. There are several SEO groups on here that you can join, they would probably be your best bet as to getting into it.

Have fun and good luck selling!
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Re: Can I has critique?

You should join The Critique Team
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Re: Can I has critique?

More items definitely. And a range of prices may help. Not everyone has $50 to spend, but someone with $10 may like a single flower or flower embellishment.
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Re: Can I has critique?

Another thought - these could be sprayed with perfume, cologne, home spray, etc. So they would not only serve to look beautiful, but smell nice too. Maybe that's something you could mention in the description. "Ladies, spray these with your perfume and place them next to your honey's bedside so he'll dream of you at night!" or something like that.
I'm actually planning on putting some lavender into a little organza baggie and putting it in the box for shipping. I played with the idea of using perfume at one point but... well... tulips aren't usually very fragrant, and even if some are I don't think I've ever found a perfume using their scent. I didn't think to encourage the buyer to do it though. Definitely adding that to the list!

More items definitely. And a range of prices may help. Not everyone has $50 to spend, but someone with $10 may like a single flower or flower embellishment.
I'm hoping some bows will fill the $10 niche soon, at least. I'd like to do single flowers too, but finding a good shipping box for a dozen of them is enough of a challenge. I'm not even sure where to start looking for something long and thin enough for just one.
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