Inspiration Seeker

Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

Good afternoon!

I was wondering how you guys built up your returning customers. I was thinking about this, and how I know some of you guys in previous threads talking about how people actually search you out because they actually know who you are.

How do you guys build up that type of fan base? I know time helps (I've only been open a little over a year). But how do you have people keep returning and building up that fan base?
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19 Replies

Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

Hi Nikki-
Just a couple things. And keep in mind some of this is second hand info and some as a customer myself. I'm not a business wiz haha!

Do things right the first time. I will go back to someone who ships promptly, packages well and is friendly. Besides offering an awesome product/service these are really important. My returning customers have noted these.

Newsletters and off Etsy sites. People want to see you're more than a shop. I cannot wrangle more than a few sentences to send out to people regularly. But offer people something they can come back to and they will be some of your most loyal. Not just things to look at and decide to buy. There are tons of posts here and elsewhere that expand on this.

Try loyalty coupons if a customer returns. I've had more returning customers use coupons than new ones. These aren't for every crafter- some just don't want to discount their work.

Hope these are useful. Much success!
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

Thanks Svetlana. :)

I do have a FB and Instagram. I am getting disheartened with them because I keep comparing them to other people, and I have almost no activity compared to them. :(

I like your idea about the newsletter. I was thinking about doing that the other day.
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Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

loyalty coupons really work

I want to do a newsletter but not sure what program to use, any ideas ?
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Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

Nikki- Facebook is the same with me. I have a few others pages to compare with and theirs get 100s of new people and engagement each week. My favorites *do* post multiple times a day, even just a "hello and here's what I'm doing for clients today". Not only shop ads. That's inspired me to post more often about myself and topics tied to my craft.

P- MailChimp, and I've used IContact. IContact is free up to about 100 customers. They have a cool newsletter designer tool.
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Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

I have an off-site email group and mail to them from time to time. In fact, I need to do so again; it's been awhile.
A lot of the folks in that list are friends so I don't want to 'bombard' them with my news but it does drive people to my Etsy site; even if they end up buying from me directly.
Also, I have been posting my new item or treasury information to both of my FB pages (personal and business) - I don't get much (actually *anything*) either from FB but it keeps me visible.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

Thanks. :)

I'll have to check out MailChimp and Icontacts.
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Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

As a small shop, I like to say "I'm not known by many, but those who do know me, LOVE me!" I have several returning customers who seek me out both on Etsy and in "real" life at craft fairs.

My goal is to provide the highest quality customer service. I make sure that everything I make to sell is representative of my skill and the high standards I set for myself and my shop. All orders go out with a receipt, a handwritten thank-you note, and nice packaging. I recently invested in some better packing materials, so now my items will arrive gift-ready! Even before, my products still arrived looking nice and were beautiful to open. Buyers who place large custom orders get regular check-ins on long-term projects and small loyalty rewards. Even though I find that the %-off coupons rarely get used, it's nice to enclose them as a gesture.

As a virtual shop, I want to give my customers the experience of visiting me in person. Being friendly, professional, and emphasizing a quality experience is what I think sets me apart.
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Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

I have a gal who I have gone back to twice after the initial sale. She did such a good job with my original sale and I love her work. She does great custom work and is willing to offer suggestions when I just come to her with an idea. She is prompt with her replies back to me.

All in all, customer service, for sure!
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Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

I have a few regular return customers. In my case I think it is because people want more and different designs. I try to keep ssinf new products, and I have one customer in particular who will buy as soon a I list something new which is great.

I have kind of given up on facebook- I have 1000 likes but recently when I have pored only a handful of people were "reached" so it seems a little pointless really!

At the moment I am enjoying Instagram a lot, the key is to just lots of hash tags and also to be active liking other people's photos too.

I think the most important thing is a quality product that people want more of. Social media is just a way to let them know about the products (but you also need to post about other stuff, not just your shop!)
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Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

Your arts are amazing, Joanne. I find Facebook pretty pointless too these days. Nobody sees the posts anyway, unless I pay for it. I'm liking Instagram thou. I've made a few sales through it too, so that's really good, considering I only have 40 followers on there since I'm such a newbie. xx
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Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

"I'm not known by many, but those who do know me, LOVE me!"
--- I like this! Thats what I strive for too :) I'm just one person, I can't talk to thousands of people ... but I make sure that those who I do business with love the experience.

I've been selling on Etsy for about 2 and half years, and have quite a lot of repeat customers by now. Some come back every autumn to buy a new hat. It doesn't seem much, but it adds up.

The things that worked for me: quality product and great customer service. I only send out items that are perfect, if I accidentally pull a yarn somewhere or make a mistake, I unravel it or give it to a family member, not a paying customer.

Properly describe and photograph your item. Make sure the colors are as close to true as possible, describe sizes, materials. Make sure nothing is hidden that might be a turnoff for someone. if it looks great from front, but not so great from the back, make sure to show it! Or you'll just get an unhappy customer.

Good customer service is a must too. I always send a convo to confirm order and expected shipping date. Ship promptly and when promised - or apologize profusely if you can't fulfil the original promise for w/e reason - 99% people will understand, but they prefer to know what's up.

Have a flexible exchange and return policy. Give realistic shipping estimates. If you mess up with the order (wrong item sent, some detail missing, etc), bend over backwards to make up for it.

If someone has a special request that doesn't take much effort or expense from you, do it. Add a small birthday card, or a gift wrapping. People do really appreciate these personal things, especially on a business model like Etsy, where the personal connection is what sells your shop.

People talked about newsletters and FB, and I'm sure all those things are great too, but quality product and great customer service is still the most important ... you don't shop from someone just because of their cute instagram account.
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Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

Excellent advice Mel! I don't have a ton of return customers, but the ones I do have return because they love my product and service. I don't think any of my return customers have ever seen me on my social media accounts.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

Thanks for all that advice Mel!

I'm a stickler too with my products, and I'm hoping that over time, it helps win over repeat customers.

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Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

I've purchased more than once from Mel. . . :)
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

Mel, your stuff is amazing! No wonder you have many repeat customers and so many sales.
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Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

Super customer service, FB, returning customer discount coupon
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Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

*waves to Jean and Patti*

Thanks, Nikki.
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Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

I've a number of returning customers each month.

The first thing to be aware of is to get your packages shipped as soon as possible after the order comes in. People really appreciate receiving their items quickly.

Customer service is also very important. Treat each customer as if they were the most important person on this earth. Answer inquiries promptly and follow up on questions.

Many people will contact me simply because they cannot find what they are looking for anywhere else. I'm more than willing to special order anything that's available from any of my suppliers even if they only want one and I have to order a minimum of 6.

Build your 'brand'. I've used the same avatar and name everywhere I have an online presence. Its on my business cards and my stationery. I've had people approach me at art festivals because they've recognized the avatar.
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Registered Buyer

Re: Building your returning customers/fan base- How?!?!?

Return customers and word-of-mouth marketing is what I am targeting myself for, and crochetgal had covered a lot of points that I have found very useful. In addition to that, I would recommend keeping a steady stream of new listings to keep your shop fresh for anyone coming back!
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