@Davs - you could be right about that :). I just found that I didn't feel comfortable trying to get people to like my FB page just to boost numbers any more than I wanted to like pages that I have zero interest in. But, FB has resulted in pretty much all the sales I've had in my Etsy shop, save for 4, and several where the paintings didn't even make it to Etsy before they sold. So, it has been great for me!
I post photos of my paintings and a bit about the process of each that I hope will be interesting to read. I never use it as a sales pitch for my Etsy shop - that's what the "my Etsy" button is for, and I totally agree with EvesLittleEarthlings about shops that do nothing but use FB as an Etsy sales pitch being unpleasant.
I guess there are just degrees to which I'm interested in someone's work, and I assume that works both ways as well. That is, I am always adding shops and items to my "favorites" here on Etsy, but that doesn't mean I necessarily need or want to like or add them to my page favorites on FB. Does that make any sense? Just because someone who sells clothing here on Etsy has "hearted" one of my paintings doesn't mean she's interested in following my blog or FB page. At least that's what I assume. Links to my blog and FB page can be found on my shop profile, so if someone is interested, the information is there. I think I include the links with the item description as well.
I also don't use FB via my personal profile, either. I have one, only so I could comment as my page and so that my "like" would show up as a number on other pages. But, I seldom if ever read the feed and I never post there. Instead, I just add the page to my page's favorites, and then I can read the feed of the pages individually by clicking on their page at my leisure. That way, I don't miss anything.
For me, FB is a business tool to help reach potential customers that don't read blogs. Secondarily, it is a way to network with artists whose blogs I don't or can't follow via GoogleFriendConnect. I think it is like anything else - the more you put into it, the more you'll get out of it.