Any advice on how to stand out in a saturated market?

Hi Everyone,

Im hoping to get some tips/feedback..i have been making feather fascinators since 2009 on Etsy, im located in Sydney, Australia.
I am always browsing other stores on Etsy that create the same items that i do, and everyone seems to be selling way more than me and i'm at a loss as to how this is happening?? I love to do what i do and i don't want to stop just because the sales aren't going off the chart, though im REALLY wanting to turn this into a full time business..does anyone have any tips? Im finding it hard when everyone in the same category is either selling things super cheaply or really expensive and still selling more..Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Thanks :)

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11 Replies
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Re: Any advice on how to stand out in a saturated market?

I think it is normal really cheap ones sell more. But at the end they make less than you. I have seen your shop it is lovely but you are mostly on weddings maybe you can try to adapt your styles into parties or like themed events. Like this you can have more chance to catch different costumers.
This is my idea, wish you the best.
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Re: Any advice on how to stand out in a saturated market?

build your market outside of etsy. what makes your work special and different? blog about it. comment on other blogs. add photos of your work to flickr, especially of you making them or in the studio and then link across these things. maybe write a lens on squiddo, find things of feathery interest on tumblr and post them, do a fashion article about how to wear a fascinator and who would look great in them. brainstorm ways to build your audience and then do it. the people who are succeeding here are doing many of these types of things but you may not see that part of their business. google them. see where else they are. see what else they do.

you can do a lot of things locally, even in your home that are fun so invite some fun friends and have a party, photograph it--things like that. get an article in the local paper or magazines or tv show--and always provide your web address--your etsy shop!

good luck
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Re: Any advice on how to stand out in a saturated market?

to maryrichmonddesign - your reply is so helpful! Thank you! Never heard of flickr, tumblr or squiddo but will be investigating!
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Re: Any advice on how to stand out in a saturated market?

Wow, you are making great sales, nearly one a day. You just have to keep doing what you have been doing! You are doing great.
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Re: Any advice on how to stand out in a saturated market?

Mary - after reading your comment, I went over to Squidoo... Not sure what I am doing, but I did it! Lol. I think I'll spend some time getting to "know" the site:
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Re: Any advice on how to stand out in a saturated market?

Thank you all so much for your wonderful feedback, will definitely look at all possible ways to promote 'Selena Designs', i really need to pick up my game with blogging/social media..

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Re: Any advice on how to stand out in a saturated market?

Maybe find those shops you think are successful on the same product you sell and convo them and ask for advice. I'm sure they'll be happy to share some tips with you on how to reach that specific niche.
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Re: Any advice on how to stand out in a saturated market?

I think your designs are beautiful. Just keep doing what your doing. Be consistent and persistent. You're doing good.
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Re: Any advice on how to stand out in a saturated market?

Thank you all for the kind & very useful comments :)
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Re: Any advice on how to stand out in a saturated market?

Your shop is lovely... your items are very pretty and seem reasonably priced, considering the quality of materials and workmanship (altho I know very little about your type of product).

From browsing thru, I think that aside from bridal or prom, some pieces might also be appropriate for Renaissance Fairs, which are all over the US at different times of the year, mostly Fall here in the South... and of course, costumes for February Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Halloween in October. I've also seen that according the the "fashion experts" feathers have become quite a trend, so that's in your favor ;)

Perhaps you could develop a line of smaller hair clips, less opulent pieces, with less materials cost, but still in your style... or even something for little girls and toddlers, like these little beauty queen contestants that seem to be so prevalent now, especially here in the South.

anyhow, just thinking out loud ... and babbling because I'm tired and it's way past my bedtime, lol
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Re: Any advice on how to stand out in a saturated market?

Thanks so much designsbycher, i loved your comment, good idea about making smaller items :) I think that i will give it a go..i didn't even think about for girls pageants (we don't have them here in Australia) so i will make some cute little feather pieces for girls..i should have done this a while ago i think, my 4 nieces are always coming over to Aunty Selena's house to play with feathers & make headbands!
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