Any advice / critique would be very much appreciated!

Okay, so I've been a seller on etsy for a while, but I still haven't been able to figure out how to get many views, or well the right views.

I'm always searching for what key words other successful shops are using, and trying to figure out what it is that I'm missing. Sometimes I go with just one to three views in my shop the whole day, which really makes me want to give up.

I've come a long way though and learned to take better photographs of my products so they'll be able to be in treasuries and the buyer would be more willing to purchase from me, so we have a "clean and polished" look.

I'm working to learn more about SEO, social media and understand our target market but I would truly appreciate any tips or critiques on how to make my shop successful, and how to tweak it so that I can receive more sales.

I truly do not want to give up on Etsy. My daughter has continued to push me to keep fighting and believe that one day we can be successful with each of our small handmade businesses. We have looked the store over and over again, but I feel like we have looked at it so much and we each have different "ideas" based on what we have each read that we have come to a cross roads as of what to change in the store.

So once again, anything you can tell me I will truly appreciate it!

Thank you in advance!
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4 Replies
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Re: Any advice / critique would be very much appreciated!

One thing i would work on is your first photos. In a lot of your pictures, it's hard to understand what you are looking at. Try and scale back your photos so you can see the whole item and crop your photos into a square shape. Hope that makes sense!

Good luck!
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Re: Any advice / critique would be very much appreciated!

I like your photos, but maybe yea, the idea of cropping them into square would benefit the first view. (have to try that myself, too :) ) Good Luck!! :)
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Re: Any advice / critique would be very much appreciated!

Your photos are a bit dizzying! You should keep them looking consistant and simple! Also your titles need some work. The word "unusual" is not something i would search for. Also add some variety to your tags!
By the way, your about page looks very nice. Congrats!
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Re: Any advice / critique would be very much appreciated!

Thank you for the suggestions! I made the first images bigger so you could see the whole item like you guys suggested. :)
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