Advice for my new shop and question on views and favorites?

Hi all I'm sorry if I'm taking over all these threads but I have so many questions and this has been the best method thus far to get them across :). I was hoping someone could take a look at my shop and see what I am missing and what I should change etc? I also started scanning some of the paintings I've done so the listings don't look as dark, was this the right move? In comparison to some of those not scanned do they look better? I also feel like I need a morale booster: I have days where I seem to get a lot of views but not many favorites or purchases and then some days where I have so many people favoriting my items...this might sound silly but why so many favorites and no purchases it makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. Any advice on how to better my shop would be so much appreciated. Finally I have asked all my customers who have purchased an item to leave a review and they say they will and seek very happy with their purchase but then they never leave one! It stresses me out because I know how important reviews are. I just don't want to nag my customers but I don't understand why they say they'll leave one and never I keep messaging until they do? Thank you so much.

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Re: Advice for my new shop and question on views and favorites?

Hi Barbara!

I love your shop! As a newbie myself here are some nuggets of wisdom I've been gleaning:

-Try to eliminate your one word tags as those will pull up so many results that you will get lost in the search!
-Make sure to create an interested and descriptive About page that will let buyers know more about you and your shop.
-Have a welcome message below your banner that's inviting and descriptive of what's in your store (like they were actually walking into your shop, what would you say?).
-Use multiple word tags & match them as closely as you can with your titles! I did this and saw an almost immediate response in the number of searches I was found in.
-Try to fill up your title with as many phrases that can differently describe your product as you can.
-Make sure you are promoting off of Etsy by using social media or even word of mouth!

Here's to wishing you much success! :)

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Re: Advice for my new shop and question on views and favorites?

Thank you so much Aron!! I'm going to adjust my tags now and and the welcome message :) I appreciate the feedback and support and I love how original and creative your items in your shop are!
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Re: Advice for my new shop and question on views and favorites?

Hello Barbara, here it is Maricarmen. I looked at your shop. I think you have cute items. But just having a super fast look at it. I notice, I am not sure if you hand paint the printings, do you? Maybe you say in some place but I did not see it.
Agree with Aron about description, add more details on it.
About pictures, you need to make them a little further so they show completely on your listing. So, you can see the whole thing. It took me a while to figure out with my simple camera and I am still do not do a good job but keep trying until you get the whole thing on it. I like the listings where you have the print in the picture frame. But make sure to indicate picture frame is not included is that is the case.

Concerning to favorites... we have the same issue, a lot of favorites no sales...In that case I think like a buyer. I have many favorites that I do not buy right away because I do not need it. But I would like to buy them for a special occasion or for a special someone or when I have the extra money to give me a treat. So, it is very positive people favorite your items or shop. Sales will come along.

Keep listing and listing

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Re: Advice for my new shop and question on views and favorites?

Just giving you an advice from a buyer stand you can see we are new in Etsy, no so much as a experience seller.

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Re: Advice for my new shop and question on views and favorites?

Thank you so much for the advice Maricarmen! I really am having a challenge with the pictures..on my phone they look great on etsy but on the computer they look dark. I agree with you it is a challenge trying to figure it out. I've been trying to work on the descriptions too and like Aron mentioned of getting rid of one word tags too. That is also a good point on the favorites aspect. The buyer side of things can be so unpredictable so it is nice hearing that as long as I have favorites I'm getting somewhere :) . I really just wish my buyers would leave reviews especially since they have seemed so positive.
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